+ http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/newsid_1464000/1464475.stm
Jehovah's Witnesses are donating a blood-cell salvage machine to a hospital that takes away the need for transfusion in surgery. Members of the religion traditionally refuse blood transfusions because they conflict with their beliefs. The Fresenius Continuous Autologus Transfusion System (Cats), which is being donated to St Mary's Hospital in Newport on the Isle of Wight, re-circulates a patient's own blood during operations. John Carruthers, a spokesman for the Jehovah's Witnesses, said he hoped the machine, which is being delivered on Monday, would also be an advantage to other people.
Because of teachings in the Bible, Jehovah's Witnesses do not touch blood that is not their own.
"This machine will mean that when they require surgery there is no need for blood transfusions to be used." The fundraising for the £19,000 Fresenius Kabi machine was set up on the island because of the high proportion of Jehovah's Witnesses who live there. Mr Carruthers added: "But we hope it will also be useful for the wider community, since as more people become aware of the potential health risks of blood transfusions they will be able to use it as well." Dr Michael Hof, senior consultant at St Mary's, welcomed the fact the reduction in health risks of transfusions could potentially save the NHS millions of pounds. He said: "Unfortunately, the rest of the world is ahead of the United Kingdom as far as the use of cell salvage is concerned.