Funny Idea for Apostasizing at the Conventions

by rebel8 8 Replies latest members private

  • rebel8

    On another thread we were discussing how to apostasize at the conventions. People were saying they could not put flyers on people's cars because the lots are patrolled. (How pathetic of them to patrol the lots.) I was thinking, why not make a fake Chinese restaurant menu and put those on windshields. They would pass the Parking Lot Police because they look like real menus. Slip in a few glimpses of reality............

    Dum Wang To Wer Chinese Restaurant

    Takeout Menu

    Chicken Fried Rice........$5.75 Chicken, rice, and vegetables stir fried with a tasty sauce. One of our most popular dishes. The WTS joined the United Nations. Visit their web site for proof: <insert web address>

    BBQ Ribs......$6.99 Grilled ribs marinated in a spicy Chinese barbecue sauce, served with steamed broccoli. The WTS sent a letter to Hitler supporting his war effort. Check for proof <insert literature citation>

    I am so boooooooooooooored today. Can ya tell?

  • PaulJ

    Fantastic Idea!!!

    How about Fortune Cookies!? "May all your dreams be sweet- ask the GB about the Mexico/Malawi hypocrisy!"

  • Elsewhere

    lmao! That is too funny!

  • rebel8
    Dum Wang To Wer

    Get it??

  • DevonMcBride

    OMG that is so funny.

  • rebel8

    Peking Duck……$5.75 Served with a Chinese pancake. The WTS uses quotes from a known spirit medium. Check here for proof:_______________

  • rebel8

    Devon, you are freaking me out with that strange little man from the Six Flags commercials. He is scaaaaary.

  • Hellrider
  • lilybird

    rebel8.. that's hilarious,,, although Dubs are so brain dead after mindnumbing conventions,,, they might not get the drift....LOL

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