911 Access to Every One at Bethel.

by frankiespeakin 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    Imagine the termoil, as member after member dials it, I think they would have to treat you very kindly at bethel if you dialed it, because you were in need of some good psycologial help and didn't have anywhere else to turn. I think many eyes will be opened and this might occure with some regularity,, putting the Governing Body in a very dangerous position if they did any harm to these desperate people.

    At any rate I think if Bethel doesn't have access to 911 available, I think it would be against the law, something to look into.

  • sixsixsixtynine
  • katiekitten

    what sixsixsixtynine said

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    even worse, if they needed an outside number and didn't have access to 411! YIPES THAT WOULD BE SCARY!!!!

  • misspeaches

    why wouldn't they have access to 911? i thought that was a free number anyone could dial for emergency services...

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