I was talking to a friend the other day, he told me that he wanted to get married but there was a problem with that. He told me that he and his wife split over 20 years ago and he does not know where she is. He said he has looked and cannot find her so he can file divorce papers. Does anyone know how he can get this done not knowing where she is ? He also had a son by this woman and has not seen his son in the same amount of time, will that make his divorce any harder ? Thanks for the info....
Divorce after 20 years ?
by oldflame 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
In the UK that would not be a problem, but it depend on what the laws are in your state.
In the UK there are a few different criteria you can get granted a divorce;
- Adultery
- Unreasonable behavior
- Being seperated for over 2 years with both partners agreeing to divorce
- Being seperated for over 7 years even if one partner is not contactable or contests the divorce
There is another on too but I can't remember what it is. I represented myself for my divorce in the UK courts in 2001.
A basic name search might be a good place to start...
I've located folks I haven't heard from in years using this tool...
Kinda scary.
Jim TX
Your best bet is to contact a lawyer in your state for legal advise. They should be able to help you.
Good luck
Jahna -
G Money
This is easy. There is a procedure in the California Code for service by publication. After publication, assuming she doesn't respond and probably won't, the matter will proceed as a default case.
Your friend needs to get an attorney to file appropriate paperwork. Shouldn't be a problem at all.
I believe that the term "abandonment" decribes the grounds in most states.
Publication notice will be the method used to let the spouse know about the divorce. Any attorney could take care
of it easily. Actually, it should be a pretty simple process.
The answer would be could he? Yes
Though as everyone else said contacting a lawyer will give him the most sound advice.
As g money said though sometimes publication can be done to locate, or must be and then it will default. In most states that's very true. Basically it's a stipulation that requires the one filing to put in a public notice attempting to locate the other person for a period of time. If no reply at the end of that time the divorce is granted.
In Minnesota, where I am all divorces are no fault and so truly no real reason is needed to file and get one granted even with the other persons objection.
In your friends case is it possible she's already filed for one? Especially if he hasn't seen the child in roughly the same amount of time as he hasnt seen her, because it's really unusual for someone with a child to not try to get child support in any manner.
There are a lot of sites that could be of use to him as well with the divorce process, a number of divorces web sites and support groups.
Hope that helps.
Thanks everyone for your input and I will relay the messages to my friend. But he does not live in California, he is in Colorado. I had already told him to contact a lawyer but I had thought maybe I could find out somethings for him here. It was just a chance. So thanks again