I am organizing a MAJOR Protest Rally at the Watchtower Society HQ in Brooklyn , NY, Thursday, October 13 from 12:00 noon until 3:00pm with dinner and fellowship afterwards. I am planning chartered buses from major centres in the Eastern Canada and USA. I hope that this will be an historic event and make the International News. You can make a difference. You can help save lives. Contact me if you plan on attending and if you need a seat on a bus or a seat at the dinner.
I already have a bus chartered from the Blue Mountain Christian Retreat and I am now negotiating for a bus from Toronto to Brooklyn.
The life you save maybe that of a family member , friend or neighbour. Please pass this message on to anyone who you think may be interested, Have them contact me at the following: Lawrence Hughes P.O. Box 20161 Calgary Place, RPO Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 4J2 [email protected] nyc_protest_rally I hope to see you at the Protest. Thanks. Lawrence