"Old Light" from the apostles ?

by thinker 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thinker

    The Watchtower Society uses the apostles words to justify the act of shunning.
    "Purposes served by disfellowshipping:
    Upholds Jehovah's name and standard of righteousness.
    (Acts 15:14; 1 Pet. 1:14-16; compare Isaiah 52:5.)
    Protects the purity of the congregation. (I Cor. 5:1-13;
    May correct the unrepentant wrongdoer, bringing him to
    his senses. (2 Cor. 2:6-8) " (Pay attention to yourself...)

    In reading the bible, the words of the apostles sometimes contradict the words and actions of Jesus, who showed love for ALL men. The question is "How should one view the teachings of the apostles? Are they infallible? Are they equal to the teachings of Jesus? Can the teachings of the apostles be abandoned, changed, or ignored?"

    1) The WT claims that the apostles were the first faithful and discreet slave. Russell was said to have "revived the great truths taught by Jesus and the apostles." (see Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose, p. 17)

    2) The GB nows holds a position equal to the apostles.
    "Christian elders govern by using their "abilities to direct" (Greek ky-ber-NE seis) in providing leadership and guidance in local congregations. (1 Corinthians 12:28) But the apostles and other elders in Jerusalem served as a body to give guidance and counsel to all the congregations. (Acts 15:1,2,27-29) Today, therefore, a governing body of elders provides spiritual oversight for Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide.
    (Watchtower; December 15, 1989; p. 21)

    Confident of the loyalty of his faithful creatures, Jehovah delegates authority. So does his Son. From among his anointed followers, "the faithful and discreet slave," he has chosen a few to serve as a visible governing body. (Matthew 24:45) In the first century, this group was composed of the apostles and several older men in Jerusalem.
    (Watchtower; Jan. 15, 1990; p. 26)

    "They have a modern Governing Body of older Christian men from various parts of the earth who give needed oversight to the worldwide activities of God's people. these men, like the apostlesand older men in Jerusalem in the first century, are anointed members of the faithful and discreet slave class designated by Jesus to care for all of his Kingdom interests here upon earth."(The Watchtower; Dec. 15, 1989; p. 6)

    WT June 1, 82:
    "Today, a remnant of this 'faithful slave' is still alive on earth. They occupy a position similar to that of Paul...when that apostle said of the wonderful truths...:"It is to us God has revealed them through his spirit."

    WT 15/01/94, p. 16
    "In the past, Jehovah ruled and revealed truths through individuals, such as prophets, kings and apostles. Jesus said that during his royal presence, he would identify a faithful body of followers, a 'faithful and discreet slave'. In 1919 this slave was identified as the remnant of anointed Christians. Since then, as represented by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, it has been the center of theocracy on earth."

    3) The teachings ("spiritual food") of the FDS is subject to change ("progressive"). "From Pentecost, A.D.33, up to this very present hour this has been lovingly and carefully performed. Yes, and these "domestics" have been fed on progressive spiritual food that keeps them abreast of the "bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established." (The Watchtower July 15, 1960, p. 435 )

    4) Practices once taught by the FDS are now abandoned.
    *** jv 200 14 "They Are No Part of the World" ***
    "Practices That Have Been Abandoned
    This Christmas celebration at Brooklyn Bethel in 1926 was their last. The Bible Students gradually came to appreciate that neither the origin of this holiday nor the practices associated with it honored God
    For years, Bible Students wore a cross and crown as a badge of identification, and this symbol was on the front cover of the “Watch Tower” from 1891 to 1931. But in 1928 it was emphasized that not a decorative symbol but one’s activity as a witness showed he was a Christian. In 1936 it was pointed out that the evidence indicates that Christ died on a stake, not a two-beamed cross
    In their “Daily Manna” book, Bible Students kept a list of birthdays. But after they quit celebrating Christmas and when they realized that birthday celebrations were giving undue honor to creatures (one reason that early Christians never celebrated birthdays), the Bible Students quit this practice too
    For some 35 years, Pastor Russell thought that the Great Pyramid of Gizeh was God’s stone witness, corroborating Biblical time periods. (Isa. 19:19) But Jehovah’s Witnesses have abandoned the idea that an Egyptian pyramid has anything to do with true worship." (See “Watchtower” issues of November 15 and December 1, 1928)

    5) It seems that, being "imperfect men"; the FDS sometimes gets things wrong. The apostles were just men. Their words are just as subject to change as Russells, Rutherfords, Knorrs, and the Governing Bodys. If Russell was a "faithful and discreet slave" and his teachings are considered "old light", then are not the apostles' teachings "very old light"?


  • kes152

    And that is why we are to FOLLOW CHRIST and NOT APOSTLES.

    Jesus said:

    "ALL AUTHORITY in HEAVEN and ON EARTH has been given to ME."

    Matthew 28:18

    Hence if the apostles or even "Paul" says one thing, and the MASTER says another... OBEY the MASTER because the apostles are "slaves" and will have to answer for THEMSELVES to the Master just like WE do. So cut through the "red tape" and obey the Master. For only the Master can save us, not ANY "apostle."

    "Are we not simply men?"


  • pomegranate

    I see no contradiction in Christ's teachings and the Apostles HE appointed to represent him and his ways. If you doubt the validity of their writings, you doubt their appointment by God.

    Moses also represented Christ by Divine appointment. Paul was chosen by Divine appointment. To say Paul or any other Apostle was doing his own thing, would be akin to the Israelites saying Moses had no authority either. That sounds too familiar:

    Num 12:1-2
    12:1 Miriam and Aaron began to talk against Moses because of his Cushite wife, for he had married a Cushite. 2 "Has the LORD spoken only through Moses?" they asked. "Hasn't he also spoken through us?"

    Num 12:4-8
    4 At once the LORD said to Moses, Aaron and Miriam, "Come out to the Tent of Meeting, all three of you." So the three of them came out. 5 Then the LORD came down in a pillar of cloud; he stood at the entrance to the Tent and summoned Aaron and Miriam. When both of them stepped forward, 6 he said, "Listen to my words:

    "When a prophet of the LORD is among you,
    I reveal myself to him in visions,
    I speak to him in dreams.
    7 But this is not true of my servant Moses;
    he is faithful in all my house.
    8 With him I speak face to face,
    clearly and not in riddles;
    he sees the form of the LORD.
    Why then were you not afraid
    to speak against my servant Moses?"

    In like manner, why then are you not afraid to speak against the chosen Apostles (servants) of the Lord? It's the same thing friends.

    I see plenty of contradiction in the way divinely UNAPPOINTED men apply the Apostles admonition of who/what is considered avoidable by other men.

    I see no contradiction in Christ and his representatives counsel. It is harmonious.

  • kes152

    I see no contradiction in Christ and his representatives counsel.

    1 Samuel 16:7
    Revelation 3:18


  • Francois

    There is no standard of righteousness in the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, or any other organization that harbors child sex abusers. Except perhaps sub-standard.


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