This is an excellent movie that XJWs will relate to.
!!! - Spoiler Warning - !!!
The premise is that there are thousands of people who live in a shelter because a terrible disease has destroyed most the world’s population. There are windows and when they look out they can see a beautiful island a few miles away. Everyone wants to go there because it is a paradise and the only place left in the world where the disease has not killed nearly everything. Every day or so there is a Lottery and one or more people will win. The winners get to go to the island.
The reality is that the people are clones who are created for the purpose of having their organs and other parts harvested for a sick or injured "client" who purchased the "product". There is no island, it is just a hologram projection outside the windows and the people/clones are actually in a facility underground.
There were many parallels for being in the organization. The never ending promise of paradise (New Order). When anyone discovered the truth they are killed (Disfellowshipped). No one every actually reaches the paradise. They are just used and then disposed of when they are no longer needed or when they ask too many questions about contradictions they see. The ones in authority also keep telling the people that they are "special" and different from everyone outside the shelter, just like the WTS keeps telling the JWs that the are special compared to "worldly" people.
They are also called "products" (Publishers), not people and are viewed as disposable. This reminded me of how there are talks at meetings and assemblies where they describe the JWs as being "just one person in many and not that important - if you left you will be replaced by someone else". The people are also branded, which is used in the movie as a parallel to being slaves.