Here are the links to download them.
I have the complete symposium on Obedience to the slave given on Sat. by two brothers.(part1 and part2)
I have another clip begging brothers to reach out.
I have another clip of a former brother who stepped down from serving a while back. Looking at the newspaper and its bad news he knows he can do more again because we are so close to the end.
Here are the links! Copy and paste in your browser. They are big files. ONe is over 200 megs. At least watcht the symposium if you dont watch anything else. These will play with quicktime. Save them to your computer and enjoy!
brother wanting to reach out again
new book announcement
begging brothers to reach out
obedience symposium part one
obedience symposium part two
Videos of the Godly Obedience Assembly right here!
by PaNiCAtTaCk 6 Replies latest jw friends
WOW! I just now started the Part One of the Obedience Symposium and right out of the gate the speaker said something VERY interesting: "Jesus said that in the time of his coming he would find a faithful slave taking care of spiritual food for his servants.".
Did you catch what was strange?
"Jesus said that in the time of his coming he would find a faithful slave taking care of spiritual food for his servants."
The speaker said Coming instead of Presence!!!
I remember growing up in the organization and hearing speakers making a big stink about how Jesus is not "coming" but is "present". In fact that is one of the major differences between the New World Translation bible and other bible translations.
Not only that, the speaker said that "Jesus came in 1918". What happened to 1914????
Is this new light?
Well, Jesus came in 1914 is now present and will come again. There are several men you are able to come again and again. ;-) I noticed a woman in a pink dress that did not find it necessary to clap her hand when the new book was released. Is she on the board? :-)
El Kabong
I downloaded part one of the symposium and watched only about 3 1/2 min. of it, when...almost mind started to wander and I proceeded to get lost in my own thoughts as I heard the speaker drone on and on about some (slightly revised) babble we've heard 1000 times or more.
And I thought... Those poor bastards, being practically forced in attending the assembly, and then, just having to SIT there, pretend to look interested, while being board to tears.
There are children being fussy and crying, some getting hit because some parents force them to sit in an uncomfortable seat for several hours with nothing to do but listen to something you just don't understand....People getting up to go to the rest rooms, not because they have to go, but just to do something that would hopefully make time fly just a little faster.
And I thought.....Thank God I'm not there. -
El Kabong, you nailed it:
...watched only about 3 1/2 min. of it, when...almost mind started to wander and I proceeded to get lost in my own thoughts as I heard the speaker drone on and on about some (slightly revised) babble we've heard 1000 times or more.
Exactly what I used to do, and then wondered why I "missed" so much of the talks, both at assemblies and at meetings! I thought I had some serious memory problems for years. Now I realize that I instinctively, as you say, tuned them out.
And yes, thank God I'm not there, anymore.
Hi Pani Cat Tack!
I'm not sure why, but I'm getting an error on the first part of the symposium:
"Unfortunately, the link you have clicked is not available.
Your transfer cannot be completed. Most likely the file has exceeded its allotted bandwidth or has been removed by the original sender or a recipient."
Might be just as well, though. Every time I read a Watchtower I get pretty teed off at the blatant deception.
-Tempe Rate War Rio R -