It took me a long time to figure out what is happening. For those of us that have been lifetime or long time Witnesses, the simplest of things are totally overlooked...because we never thought about it.
All through the pages of the Bible, we see how men of old gripped hold of their relationship as individuals, and as a people for Jehovahs name, and went against the social and legal systems of the times.
The WTBTS have assumed that role today. They have a worldwide kingdom, a government and local rulers to implement "legal' and moral judgements upon the subject. They really have assumed the mantel of a "new world order"
That is why, areas of human weakness, child abuse, smoking, drinking, marital relationships, stealing, violence etc, are dealt with "in house" so to speak.
The original idea was to look "beyond" the action, and look at the heart for repentance in evidence. Sadly, this overstepping of the boundaries of the "other" world that is lived in, and is now reaping the consequences. The implementation of the elder system, designed to help the rank and file, has largely failed due to the lack of adequate training for men assigned as ministers to the congregations.
I can understand why the WTBTS have taken the actions they have in dealing with secular authorities regarding the transgressing of "laws"... it comes down to believing that the JW's have a higher authority in all aspects of humanity. They alone have the right on Jehovahs behalf to judge.
It doesnt work like that in real life. The Society is now gearing up for legal assaults on a lot of fronts. Had they stuck to the preaching and teaching work, had they not "run ahead of Jehovah" with guessing dates, and times , and false interpretations....and left wrongdoing to secular God allowed authorities....and only fought the battles pertaining to freedom to worship....all would have been well.
I have been saddened for all those who have been hurt by the wrong actions of members of the WTBTS in dealing with us on both personal and doctrinal fronts. Dates, actions, beliefs have all changed over the years, and adherence to current policy whether personally
believed or not, is the only thing that prevents removal from the organisation, even if we totally oppose current thinking. The new world order has gone too far in implementing a regime of having a comment on every facet of human life and action.
Does this make Jehovahs Witnesses wrong? Has the experience we have had with the intracacies of the application of the religion, destroyed faith in God?
I have a great deal of respect for most of the posters on this board and conversed with several, Farkel, Comf, Freepeace, Kent, JanH. the ladies too numerous to mention but not least, mommy, think4, PLH, our Ozzie contingent...also some real special friends among which is 6. Most of you, if not all of you no longer believe in God as such anymore.
Is this a direct result of the dissapointment of your experience with the WTBTS and the natural outcome of escaping a form of emotional repression, or is it just the way it is?
Is there any vestige of belief left in the Bible, in the prospect of eternal life or in .....well anything bible related?
It takes a whole heap of courage to live a life that has meaning. It takes some inner faith and some internal battles to overcome the sad things that happen. A lot of new posters on this board are feeling empty, frightened, ripped apart, lost and just plain suicidal at times because of the loss of faith internally...the questions rage.. Have I grieved the Holy Spirit? Have I deserted my God? Has he deserted me? Where will I go? What can I believe in? Am I doing wrong by reading this board? Will Jehovah help me if I truly cant follow the WTBTS?
It goes on.
There are a lot of people in the WTBTS that I dont like personally. People who are backstabbing, conditional and totally false...there are a lot that I do like and admire greatly..and I believe who like me....but it is all based on whether I remain a total 3 times a week attender and a field service hound...or am smooth enough to make them believe I am...
I hope we all find the strength to live our lives with meaning and contentment, for sure enough, 2 thirds of the world are not having it easy...
And one day we find the answer....