I was at the dc this weekend and one thing caught my attention. I just found it very odd to use the words "theocratic arrangement" in a hymn. It makes the idea of god feel so commercialized. Anyone else have some lyrics from songs that just dont fit?
Lyrics to the hymns
by gringojj 6 Replies latest jw friends
Don't remember the number or title, but there's one that, in a desperate attempt to fit in a rhyme, has a line "like bees that were molested".
I quit!
Remember this the it group that gets baptized not in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirt but in the name of the spirted directed organization. They make you punch a time card. The whole thing has a corporate bean counter feel to it.
This is a big business in disguise mascarading as a religion that's why its ideology is so awkward it has the soul of a big commercial corporation.
One song has the phrase "present truth" in it. They obviously don't know the definition of the word truth.
I was at in international convention in Vancouver in I think 1972 or near then and on one of the songs the speaker had the men only sing part and the women only sing part. I think it was:
Women: "What will you bring, Jehovah's Kingdom?"
Men: "Triumph of truth and righteousness"
Women: "And bring what else, Jehovah's Kingdom?"
Men: "Eternal life and happiness"
Everyone: "Praise the universal sovereign, for his love and faithfullness."
I was young then but it stuck with me how much emphasis was put on men being the authority over women. It just seemed a strange thing to do and even as a kid I thought that it sounded somewhat demeaning to women. -
Am I the only one who thought that the "Forward You Witnesses" ditty sounded a bit like "Volga Boatmen"?