I came home from work early today, and one of my wife's JW friends was visiting when I got home. She was actually there for a social visit, not for a study or any other JW agenda, so it didn't really bother me. It did surprise me however, that she kept calling my wife "sister". I didn't comment on it, but I thought (or maybe I just assumed) that only baptized women were called "sister". I know my wife isn't a baptized JW yet, as we had a long discussion/argument about it a couple months ago. She's been doing home bible studies since 11/04, goes to Mon Wed and Sun meetings on a regular basis now, and went to the last convention (she missed one day cause she was just too tired to go after going to the first day, then staying up late talking to her father on the phone over a family matter). That just doesn't seem long enough for the title to me, but then again, what would I know anyway? Or am I just in denial over her sliding down the "slippery slope", and don't want to see this as one more step down the wrong path?
When is one considered a "sister"/"brother"?
by AllAlongTheWatchtower 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm sorry to say this but, she may not have been wt branded (baptized) yet, but it may be a sign that she's giving them all the signs that she's in the corral w all the other sheeple.
**** Warning ****
It's all part of the indoctrination process to make her feel like she is a member of the club.
km 4/96 p. 7 Question Box
· What is the proper use of the terms "brother" and "sister"?
When used in a literal sense, the terms "brother" and "sister" refer to individuals who have the same parents. This natural relationship usually creates a warm attachment, and the closeness these individuals experience is further enhanced by social, environmental, and emotional ties.
Jesus taught his disciples to address Jehovah in prayer as "Our Father." The use of that expression implies that as Christians, we are all part of a close family circle where we enjoy a rich spiritual relationship. This was further emphasized by Jesus when he told his followers that "all you are brothers."—Matt. 6:9; 23:8.
Because of our close spiritual ties within God’s household, we address one another as "Brother" and "Sister," particularly at congregation meetings. During these spiritual occasions, the one presiding over the meeting recognizes baptized individuals by using the expression "brother" or "sister" followed by the last name of the person being addressed.
What if an unbaptized person wishes to participate in the meetings? When a person has been associated with Jehovah’s people for some time and is approaching dedication, considering himself to be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, there would be no objection to prefacing the last name with "Brother" or "Sister." This would especially be true if the individual has become an unbaptized publisher.
On the other hand, interested persons who have only recently begun to attend our meetings have not yet taken the steps that would identify them as part of God’s household. These individuals would not be addressed as "Brother" or "Sister," since the spiritual relationship of God’s family does not exist in their case. So during the meetings, we would address them more formally, using an appropriate title such as "Mr." with their last name.
Using the expressions "brother" and "sister" at our congregation meetings indicates a bond that is far closer and more precious than any indicated by the use of first names. It reminds us of the very blessed relationship we enjoy as a spiritual family under the one Father, Jehovah God. We are also reminded of the deep love and affection we have for one another.—Eph. 2:19; 1 Pet. 3:8.
This is the stuff that just makes me queasy. Indoctrinating, separating, segregating, I can see, somewhat clearer the cultish stance that is taken, everytime I'm witness to thoughts pushed by the BOrg
You must be assimilated
I was going to post my opinion but I won't ........grrrrrrrrrrrrr............I'll just leave it at that......The JW hprocrites...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I always hated the terms "sister" and "brother" coming from people who were neither to me.
I resolved that if I was in a public place and somebody called out to me and didn't use my name but said "Sister ___", I wouldn't acknowledge them. I would ignore them, especially if they were somebody who was around a long time and saw me for many years.
First of all, the term "sister" conjures up the image of a nun in a habit and secondly, it is an excuse for somebody not to get to know you as a person. -
I was told to call new recruits brother or sister when they started using calling us brother and sister. Though fortunately no one did ever call me sister.
This warm show of affection and pretence at being part of a family lasts up until such time as shunning takes place. They are then referred to as beggars who must be placed outside to weep and gnash their teeth. All very unpleasant and heavy on dental bills.
Jesus taught his disciples to address Jehovah in prayer as "Our Father." The use of that expression implies that as Christians, we are all part of a close family circle where we enjoy a rich spiritual relationship. This was further emphasized by Jesus when he told his followers that "all you are brothers."—Matt. 6:9; 23:8.
On the other hand, interested persons who have only recently begun to attend our meetings have not yet taken the steps that would identify them as part of God’s household. These individuals would not be addressed as "Brother" or "Sister," since the spiritual relationship of God’s family does not exist in their case.
What happened to "you are all brothers"? Jesus said to call everyone brother but the JWs only want to call JWs brother.