Common mistakes of JWs & born again Christians

by jaffacake 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaffacake

    I would welcome views please, especially from those who don't rule out the relevance of Scriptures. I used to think Christians & JWs had almost nothing in common, and that can be true in terms of how they treat people. But I do believe some in both groups have made the same kind of mistakes with the Bible. My interest was sparked by comments by a leading theologian, so I explored further. Such comments as:

    ...I think a literal reading of New Testament statements about the coming of Christ in glory can be shown to be pretty unbiblical. In addition many have very one-sided readings of the biblical teaching about resurrection and life after death. They are extremely selective about which biblical moral teachings they choose to obey. Most oddly of all, their belief in the verbal inerrancy of the Bible is not itself based on biblical teaching.


    Their view is selective because it accepts only some biblical teachings, and interprets imlausibly & literalistic........restrictive because it does not permit alternative interpretations........and exclusive because it seems to interpret the Bible in a way that excludes most people from the saving love of God...even excludes people who sincerly try to love God.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    jaffacake, do JW's take the Bible literally? I only know that not all other Christians take it literally

    My own view is I don't believe its good to be too literal in translation of the Scriptures. If you do that, it fixes everything contained within at its own specific point in history thus closing it to any further interpretation other than in its own time. That would make it nothing more than another interesting story book. Its important to understand the context in which they were written as well as the writers' own influence.

    Just because I don't believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible - eg on scientific or historical points, it doesn't make it any less true for me. For me the message behind what is actually written is the important issue. Guess I agree with this theologian to some extent.

    Can you tell us which theologian said these? I'd like to read more of him/her when I get chance..

  • the_classicist

    The mistake of the JWs and all Protestants is to use the bible alone. The Bible must be interpreted within Apostolic Tradition, which is not only a Catholic doctrine, but also an Orthodox one.

  • DanTheMan

    Most oddly of all, their belief in the verbal inerrancy of the Bible is not itself based on biblical teaching.

    Quoting 2 Tim 3:16 is a favorite of JW's and fundies alike. We know the Bible is inspired of God. It says so right in the Bible.

  • JamesThomas
    exclusive because it seems to interpret the Bible in a way that excludes most people from the saving love of God...even excludes people who sincerly try to love God.

    This exclusion is not just a JW and Born Again weakness. It's the paramount mistake of most all religion.

    If there is an underlying Essence and Majesty which gives Life to all life, and Existence to all existence, what egotistical morons we are to distill it down to some tiny thing able to be subjugated by me and my beliefs.

    The phraseology within the Bible does nothing to discourage or obstruct such utter bullshit, but rather impels it.


  • jaffacake

    Sad Emo, I agree with you. The theologian explains why not to put your faith in any theologian.

    Classicist, You could beright, is orthodoxy the power of the keys, and is Babylon the great, religious fundamentalism?

    Dan the Man,

    Quoting 2 Tim 3:16 is a favorite of JW's and fundies alike. We know the Bible is inspired of God. It says so right in the Bible.

    But this does NOT say the Bible is verbally inerrant. God-breathed does not mean God-spokn or God dictated. Genesis says God breathed into man's nostrils, so humans are God breathed, this does not mean he dictates our actions. The spirit or breath gives life and freedom but does not dictate. There are many contradictions and minor errors in the Bible, even between the 4 gospels. If there were not we could say there is total harmony, but the bible is not like that. The different interpretations by gospel authors forces us to make up out own minds about OUR personal relationship with Christ. Diverse responses to the risen Christ validates different perspectives within 'the Church'. I still believe in the inspiration of the Bible on a spiritual level.

    James T, I tend to agree... one of the main doubts in my mind about the Bible, is indeed the fact that it does cause so much argument and confusion, but who can know the mind of God?

    Another interesting comment, which is backed up by scholarly argument: The bible is an expression of the diversity of human responses to the revelation of God in Jesus. It loses its main spiritual function if we fail to see it is not the reincarnation of God's word. That took place in the living person of Jesus, and the Bible is only importance is that it bears witness to the revelation to God in Christ.

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