Making THEM Face FACTS

by Grunt 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Grunt

    I am going to make a short, simple fact sheet to leave in places where Jehovah's Witnesses tend to leave magazines or frequent (hmmm, maybe a few in the door of the Kingdom Hall?) I would like to tell the general public things about the Witnesses and at the same time tell the Witnesses who read it a few things that they don't know or understand either and help them to see themselves as others see them. I am thinking about four or five topics with a few sentences and maybe a Watch Tower quote for each for shock effect to the Witnesses. I was thinking of bold face letters at the top saying, What You Need to Know About Jehovah's Witnesses, then putting a bold sentence/question and a small cap answer. I might do main thoughts in red, as in the Think Again in the first one. These are some of the bold sentence captions I was thinking of:

    Think you have a friend who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses, THINK AGAIN.

    Jehovah's Witnesses and the Spiritual Clock. When They Talk to You, you are just discussing the bible, they are Counting Time.

    Jehovah's Witnesses = Tax Dodgers, the story behind the "Donation Arrangement."

    Whey Aren't They FREE in AFRICA?

    "Sorry Mom, You Know I Don't Want to SEE YOU or TALK to YOU...CLICK" Jehovah's Witnesses and how they SHUN FAMILY.

    Jehovah's Witnesses and Blood, Take (fractions) but don't Give.

    Jehovah's Witnesses - Where's the love? SHOW ME THE LOVE

    Life Ever Lasting - non-Witnesses need not apply.

    Jehovah's Witnesses and Judging Each Other, it isn't enough to just SHUN those who have left.

    The Kingdom Hall Caste System.

    You = SATAN'S MINION. Your CHURCH = SATAN'S EMPIRE? Just ask a Jehovah's Witness.

    NO voting, NO blood, NO armed forces, NO college, No sports, NO dating except JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES

    I would appreciate your input. I am going to start putting a few of these sheets out next Sat. morning or Sunday afternoon. I hope to encounter some Witnesses as I do it, but I know the odds are against it. We could exchange publications! At the end of our conversation of course.

  • waiting
    We could exchange publications! At the end of our conversation of course.

    You're so cute. They'd let go of your publication so fast you'd think Satan was holding their hand.

    You probably could hand these out - but probably not put them in stores etc. At least in our area, I've never seen a negative poster/pamphlet allowed which runs down another establishment (and potential customers). The Watchtower & Awake aren't seen as the religious negative mags that they really are.

    Called "negative publicity" of sorts and makes the establishment look biased. The establishment wants everybody to be their friend - and spend money there.

    You're really on a spin from your Fla. experience, eh? Good for you!



    Good idea, Its about time for rude awakening but doubt that some will
    take it to heart. Try it mail me a copy here in jersey and I'll make
    more copies to pass out.

    THE REAL TRUTH STANDS THE TEST OF TIME, IT WILL NOT CHANGE, IF IT DOES ITS A LIE.The sun will rise, The sun will set,AN EXAMPLE of The real TRUTH nobody can change.

  • Zep

    Grunt, Why not just spray can a few internet web site addresses near JH. Nothing too overt or big. Just something like 'Now for the real truth:'. Or just put the site address up! Someone would have to get curious and look huh!
    For a fact sheet, just go to 'the list' and copy some of Rutherfords prohetic ramblings: 1925 blah blah. Who can argue against their own words huh!
    If you want to turn people off them. The majority (who know next to nothing about dubs) will be turned off by just explaining the blood policy annd shunning policy, and their implications. I make sure if the topic of Dubs comes up that i explain these 2 topics. It takes 2 seconds and everyone turns their nose up at them real quick. With people who are more into KH youd have to do a little more work though, and work a few more angles obviously...
    Hey, Why not just get a molotov cocktail together and fire bomb KH

  • Grunt

    Thanks for the responses. I didn't intend to put them up on the wall or anything. Just stick them in a few magazines of any type, especially Watch Towers and Awakes. I know it is all small potatoes, but there really are a lot of us, and we can make a big difference. We already have in a lot of ways I think. I will continue to talk to every Witness I can and will put out a few sheets and if nothing happens, I'm not out much. I do detest the Organization but I feel sorrow and compassion for the poor drones. I want to help them and they don't want to be helped so it takes a little thinking. Nothing a farm boy isn't used to. Or a parent. I am still in favor of getting a magnetic sign for my car but my wife would be a little embarassed I think, and I would feel like a hypocrite taking it off before I went to see my parents. Something kind of like what the Marines used to have, "Ask an Ex-Marine about the Corps" only substitute JW. Who would know better, right?

  • TweetieBird

    Grunt, how about...

    Are pedophiles knocking at your door? Then refer them to

    "By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero

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