Looking for all Michigan Ex Dubs

by Vassago 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vassago

    Hope this works this time. I can't find my other posting.

    I was raised being a JW my father was an elder very strict!!!!

    Went to St. Clair Cong. Man did I hate it there.

    Never got baptized, I refused to, so the elders always gave me a hard time about the clothes I would wear (leather coat), I went to school to be a hair stylist and you experiment with your hair cuts and color all the time, they would always complain about that and say that I should not dye my hair and not cut it in weird styles, What would Jesus think if he showed up?? They would hassel me so much about my hair that I never went into the hair industry. I now work for one of the Big 3 as a Technical Analyst.

    I had to piercings in each ear, they went on about that, it was always something.

    Anyway, I finally moved out when I was 17 got married when I was 18 and had my first child when I was 19.

    My husband was also raised a JW and was baptized, he went to Grosse Pointe Cong. Because I was not baptized, his elders hated us together and tried to keep us away from each other, afraid that I would pull him away from the congregation.

    Well neither of us go anymore, I think it started of to be more because of the lack of love and compassion that the congregation. have It felt more like they tried to control everything, college, work, friends, even relatives. They really wanted to keep you locked up in their own little area, their own little community.

    Then we started reading more and it is like wow, our eyes were open to a lot of things that they hide, that they don't want anyone to know or think or read about.

    I was a very unhappy child growing up in the lifestyle that I had to live not.

    It is totally different now, we are happy, we have true friends, people who want to be with you and do stuff with you, not because that is what or who you get to chose to do things with (like organized in the halls).

    On a Happier Note :

    Any way, I am looking for other Ex JW's from Michigan that love to go out and have fun, maybe even travel, we live in the Macomb County area, and go out often, we would love to meet others.

    I am 34

    My husband is 36

    We have two beautiful children 15 and 13

  • damselfly

    Hi! I'm not from Michigan sorry. There are a few posters here from there if I remember correctly. To find your old post (which had a few replies) when you sign in click on your name. It will bring up your profile and a list of topics that you've started as well as posts that you have made to others topics. Click on your topics to get that list and then choose from there. You can also private message posters bt clicking on their profile and choosing that option.


  • damselfly

    You have a PM by the way.

  • foreword
    What would Jesus think if he showed up??

    Who's the babe with the cool hair.....

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    There is an xjw meet-up group in the Detroit area I think. Could someone post that info for Vassago?

    Thanx Jeff

  • Vassago

    Foreword : Cute!!! and Thanx. I grew up now, my hair is very long curly and blond!!

    Jeff: Thank you very much for the PM and the posting. I look forwad for the information.

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    Hey Vassago - Welcome to the forum. I live in Oakland County. I haven't met ANY ex-dubs in person. The last cong. I attended was Pontiac East. I haven't been in over 7 years and I don't know who's in and who's out.

    You were smart not to let them pressure you into baptism. They just automatically assume that everyone who goes to the kingdumb hall HAS to get baptized. Gesh, what a f'd up way to be ... they can't love you for who you are, only if you're one of them. So glad I got out.

    Maybe we can get an apostafest going and meet up. There is a group that meets in the area. Maybe someone will chime in. I love to get out and have a good time. I have a couple of teenagers too ... talk about somebody being glad to be out of the cult! My kids are ECSTATIC.

  • hillbilly

    There are a few of us in Michigan...

    Outnfree (who is in cancer treatment, HI BREND WE LOVE YOU)

    Outaservice (on the west side)

    Kilroy2 (up north someplace)

    Catchthis (aka Jourles)

    Rhonda (she posts as Rhonda at a few xjw sites)

    Rational Witness and his wife (North Metro area i think)

    Aztec (she posts as Aztec on some other x sites too)

    Me..up near Tri-Cities

    a bunch others who dont post often and I cant think off right now.

    We had a nice Thanksgiving time dinner at Rhonda's and Tims place last fall. The Meetup.com service offers a Detroit area meeting but I dont think it gets supported regularly.

    YOU are not alone on the "beautiful penninsula"


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