Ok, I have been around here long enough to get a basic understanding of most of the JW stuff, even though I have never been one. One thing that continues to puzzle me though, is the constant references to JWs often getting jobs as window washers. I have seen these types of references on other sites as well as this one, so I have become convinced that it must be pretty (stereo)typical.
Why? What is it about window washing that makes it such a common job of JWs? Is it because you can wash windows at night and do field service and meetings in the day? Is it because its an easy start-up business that you can do yourself, thus hiring more JWs to all work together? Just what is it about window washing that makes it such a common reference?
I have read the posts about the WTS discouraging higher education, therefore dubs and ex-dubs often end up in janitorial work, construction, and other laborer type jobs. That I understand. Why SPECIFICALLY window washing though, is beyond me. Another thing I wonder is exactly what kind of window washing is meant. I have been in a Dunkin Donuts when the contractor comes and washes the windows, then uses a squeegee to wipe away the exess water. I have also seen those guys who, in my opinion, require a hell of a lot more fortitude, and definitely more equipment, who hang from those elevator scaffolds and wash the windows of highrise office buildings. That's a bird of a different feather. Which type is meant?