I was watching a BBC programme on Islamic extremists and their attitudes that brought back deja vu memories of JW attitudes to me last night.
For a fact I know, that JWs do NOT condone in their teaching violence against others, but they do believe,as do the Islamic extremists that those not believing in Jehovah, (Allah) will be slaughtered by God in due time.
What I found interesting was the attitude that they did not have to obey laws in the country they lived in that went against their belief system rules. Their religious laws came first not the law of the land, to which they owed NO loyalty at all.
One extremist also informed us that since we in the UK had been 'warned' by the terrorist, Bin Laden that we MUST revolt and take arms against the UK government, the fact that we, the ordinary UK folk did not jump up and do as we had been told, meant that it was open season on the UK citizens for not following his warning.
Extremists all come out with the complete belief also that THEY and ONLY THEY THEMSELVES are the only TRUE religion which every one else must follow or DIE.
If that in itself doesn't prove that the JWs are an extremist cult, then I don't know what else does.