Down the road from my home is a small country store. This is the only store for miles either way on this road. It was owned previously by a neighbor, and has been in his family for several years. He and his wife recently retired and put the property up for sale. It was closed for several months and then purchased last month by a young Indian man and his wife. When I went down there two weeks, there was an Awake and Watchtower laying on the counter. I just surveyed it. They had them under some jars on the counter so I thought "Well, the Witnesses had just stopped by out in field service, and these people are not interested since they put them under the jars of beef jerky."
I came back later in the week, and the magazines had migrated to the desk. They had been folded back to an inner page and there were some pen markings on the side of the paragraphs. I figured they had been reading them. There has been no indication from either the wife or the husband about whether they are Witnesses or not, or any source of information for their religion.
I feel like I should warn them, but don't want to be too forward to them until I find out their status. This is actually not my business, so something like this could be considered quite intrusive. However, I feel like maybe something I say could influence them if they are just getting acquainted with the Witnesses. There is no indication of them being Witnesses at all, but there is no indication of them NOT being Witnesses. I don't know. How should I approach this? Or should I bother?