Smokers Feast Your Minds On This. Non-Smokers Rejoice!!!

by Doubtfully Yours 6 Replies latest social current

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Perhaps now you smokers will find motivation to quit this nasty habit.


  • Finally-Free
    Perhaps now you smokers will find motivation to quit this nasty habit.

    Hell no!


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Too bad for you, Finally-Free.

    Be well.


  • Crumpet

    DY - please give consideration to the fact that some of us would like to simply stop but can;t despite all the various cures and remedies all of which we have tried.

    Also give consideration to the fact that maybe others like me began smoking believing thoroughly in Armageddon being just around the corner and never anticpating for a second we'd ever have to suffer the consequences because we would be dead at God's hand.

    Now to some of the points in the article and why they wouldn't stop me smoking and are irrelevant:

    Smokers pay more for insurance and lose money on the resale value of their cars and homes.

    I don't have any insurance, nor do I own a car or a house. Presumably the loss of money on resale is because the house/car smells of smoke or has been damaged by nicotine. I do not smoke in anyone's house and nor do I ever smoke in cars.

    They spend extra on dry cleaning and teeth cleaning.

    I do not own any clothes that require dry cleaning. And dental services are government subsidised so only a nominal payment is made anyway - its the same for smokers and non smokers.

    Long term, they earn less and receive less in pension and Social Security benefits.

    Where is there any evidence to support this? Is it because it is assumed smokers die younger and therefore don't use their pension?

    And now, being a smoker can not only mean you don't get hired -- you can get fired, too: Weyco Inc., a medical benefits administrator in Okemos, Mich., after announcing it would no longer employ smokers, fired four employees who refused to submit to a breath test.

    I never smoke at work or at all during the day (except when on holiday).

    Okay got that off my chest - pity I can't say the same for the tar that's probably sitting on it. I appreciate that your intentions are probably good, but preaching at smokers only has the reverse effect unfortunately.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Too bad for you, Crumpet.

    Be well.


  • luna2

    My father's smoking pretty much cured my brother, sister and I from ever wanting to take it up ourselves. I used to have some motion sickness whenever we'd take a car trip and the combo of that and the smoke from my father's unfiltered Camel's used to make me really, smoking has always been associated with nausea in my mind.

    These days, with smoking banned from public buildings and restaurants, I hardly ever have to deal with second-hand smoke. YAY!

    Having said that, I think smoking is a personal choice and I know that if I smoked I would not care to have people constantly berating me for it. I think most smokers are aware of the drawbacks and dangers of the habit. I have no desire to push my choice not to smoke on them (did enough of that crap as a JW).

    About the only time I might get vocal is when I see a parent smoking around his/her young children or if someone is smoking around me in a confined area. I don't think its fair to make others participate involuntarily by breathing second hand smoke.

    My father, who I work with, stopped smoking about a year and a half ago at the age of 70...but not before acquiring a permanent cough. He had a small stroke while he was in the process of quitting and I think that scared him enough to keep him away from cigarettes. It's a shame he waited so long to quit, but we all learned long ago that he would never ever stop due to being nagged. It had to be his choice in his own time.

  • prophecor

    Hi DY, Crumpet, Finally Free & Luna2, all others who will read this. I've been on both sides of the street with regard to the issue of smoking. I've actually spent most of my adult life as a smoker. From the early age of 15 to 33, after baptism. Then once having left the organisation in 1993, from about 1996 to roughly November of 2001.

    For those who are currently smoking, I empathise with you to no end. Nicotine is one of the hardest drugs to free ourselves from, it's legal, it's a money maker for multi-million dollar corporations and if they want to stay in the business of making those millions, they can never let us off the hook.

    They make the claim in some stop smoking campaigns that they want to help those who wish to get off the cigarettes, their flowery ad campaigns on television and in the magazines, to make themselves look all politically correct, " Oh, if you wish to stop, we understand, we'll even help you should you ask " but they no full well that they got us by the short hairs.

    I truly feel for those of us who are continuing to lite up, there's so much comfort in being able to break from the monotony of a boring moment, or when something particularly pressing is on our minds and we need that brief and momentary respite from the troubling thoughts. And we lite up. The minute we all get together at a break during our day. You lite up, and then so do I, as we both take a brief moment out our day to cater to our need to socialize and become one in our daily struggles.

    The reasons that we smoke are endless, but the common denominator is the fact that nicotine is a drug designed solely for the purpose of keeping us enslaved to its power, and there is is true power in the drug of nicotine. It is easier to stop smoking crack cocaine then it is to give up cigarettes. I know this only because I've been there, yes.

    For those who have tried to quit, please, keep trying. It's said from professionals that it often takes up to as many as 7 attempts for smokers to successfully kick the habit. For me, it came down to money, I could just no longer afford it. I got some Nicoderm CQ, patches that finally assisted in my stopping. I'd tried them before, but after getting myself off for about 6 or so months, something really pissed me off one day, and I let my emotions over rule several months of common sense. It can be done though. I've been free of the drug for four years coming up this November.

    I empathize with all of you.

    I know what it's like to have walked in your shoes.

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