Another JW mother dies after giving birth (So. California)

by Jourles 8 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Jourles

    I just got word that a sister from southern California died today after giving birth yesterday. This was secondhand information, but this is the info I've heard so far:

    After giving birth, she felt light-headed in her bed in the recovery room. The doctors found that she was bleeding internally and took her into surgery. She came out fine. Sometime this morning she started bleeding again so the doctors took her back into the OR. This time she didn't make it.

    I'm not sure how much of an issue blood transfusions came into play here, but since she was a JW in good standing, I assume both her and her husband told the doctors "no blood." This info was told to me by a JW who knows my stance on blood. But they didn't say anything on whether or not blood transfusions were an issue. I'm not sure if they were told if it was.

    Keep an eye out on the newspapers for this story - I'm sure it will come out pretty soon.

    (just a guess, but this probably happened somewhere around Temecula or a little north of there)

  • jgnat

    I hate it when this kind of stuff happens. And it is so unnecessary too.

  • outnfree

    Sad, sad, sad!

    "There are none so blind as those who will not see." (who said that?)


  • DelTheFunkyHomosapien

    Can you confirm it though??

  • skyman

    Yes, Yes, I lived this but some how my wife survived but realy she should of died. So F*** the Borg I am an inlightened man now. How sick I used to be when I believed.

  • M.J.

    Ditto, SKYMAN. Its comforting to know others have gone through what I've experienced. It's alarming just how common this sort of thing is.

  • DannyHaszard

    Aug. 5, 2005- Blood refused; hurt man dies Mountain Democrat - Aug 05 10:39 AM A 45-year-old man died Wednesday evening after he refused medical treatment due to religious beliefs, according to California Highway Patrol reports. Aug. 5, 2005- Blood refused; hurt man dies
    By NOEL STACK, City editor [email protected]

    A 45-year-old man died Wednesday evening after he refused medical treatment due to religious beliefs, according to California Highway Patrol reports.

    Randy Guess, of Cameron Park, sustained injuries to his chest after the 1990 Ford Festiva he was riding in Wednesday morning, driven by his son, Austin Guess, 18, collided with the back of a Mack truck on Highway 50, west of Bass Lake Road, according to reports. Both men in the car were taken by ambulance to UC Davis Medical Center where Randy later died.

    Austin, who also complained of pain to his chest, CHP reports states, was listed in good condition as of yesterday at press time, according to a UC Davis spokeswoman. The driver of the Mack truck, Leif Pryor, 26, of Sacramento, was uninjured.

    At the hospital, according to reports, Randy, a Jehovah's Witness, refused blood and refused surgery because of his religious beliefs. The Jehovah's Witness official Website states that blood "stands for life" and should not be misused, even for life-saving transfusions.

    The cause of the collision is still under investigation, according to Mike Schultz with CHP.

  • gespro

    this is so sad...

    My [present] wife almost died after she gave birth to our daughter 8 years ago. I held onto the blood restriction belief even after many years of not being with the witlesses. But I wasn't going to impose that on her even though she would have [never being a witness] complied if I insisted. HOW SICK WAS THAT??!!! I'm so glad she took blood!!!!!!!!!

    another close call because of the stinkin bOrg

  • Es

    That is so so sad es

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