1.One servant (Evil Slave) treats the other domestic help badly; even brutally when the Master is away.
2.The other servant provides for the domestics with consideration.
Now, observe, if you will.
The household is divided into two categories: A. Domestics B.Servant in Charge of Domestics and Household.
IF, as the Governing Body says, the Evil Slave in scenario #1 = apostates, how can it fit the setting at all? People who are Apostate have LEFT THE ORGANIZATION and cannot feed or provide or abuse from within.
The worst you could accuse Apostates of doing is browbeating the Governing Body "Servant in Charge" and not the domestics themselves. Apostates don't publish a magazine like the Watchtower. Apostates don't hold weekly meetings with the JW's in attendance. The JW's have to come to the Apostates searching for a scrap of food in the first place. Why would they? Because they aren't being FED PROPERLY!
The only possible setting that fits the Evil Slave category would be the Governing Body itself who continues to browbeat the J.W.'s with burdensome rules, mindgames and restrictions that touch every facet of their personal lives to exert control!
To even be a candidate for EVIL SLAVE you have to have domestics under your wing and in your power by PERMISSION of the Master who is away.
Therefore, the Faithful and Discreet Slave would necessarily (to fit the setting) be anyone in a postion of authority over the other anointed who treated them tenderly and provided for them with love and attention to THEIR needs accordingly. This pretty much eliminates the Governing Body altogether.
The fruits of Governing Body leadership is disaffection, fear, power-brokering and a sense of trembling on the part of the flock. Nobody is allowed the freedom purchased by the blood of Jesus. They've set the clock back to Old Testament LAW. They've invalidated the very reason for Jesus sacrifice: FREEDOM TO ACT with a conscience of love.
When you have a group in power who watches your every move and dictates what is and is not proper behavior you've eliminated conscience and substituted force. Force=power. The Governing Body alone has the power to "beat" the slaves with warnings, disciplines, markings and disfellowshippings.
They've dug a mighty deep hole for themselves by even calling attention to that scripture!
The Worship of Jesus
The Watch Tower Society leadership under both Russell and Rutherford encouraged the worship of Jesus Christ. Rutherford wrote, “Jehovah God commands all to worship Christ Jesus because Christ Jesus is the express image of his Father, Jehovah, and because he is the Executive Officer of Jehovah always carrying out Jehovah’s purpose (Heb. 1:3–6).” 28
In 1944, Article II of the 1884 Watch Tower Charter was amended to state that among the “purposes of the…Society are…public Christian worship of Almighty God and Christ Jesus; [and] to arrange for and hold local and world-wide assemblies for such worship.” 29
The 1 January 1954 Watchtower concluded, however, “that no distinct worship is to be rendered to Jesus Christ now glorified in heaven.” 30 The 8 April 2000 Awake! states that “reverent adoration should be expressed only to God. To render worship to anyone or anything else would be a form of idolatry.” It concludes that “true Christians do well to direct their worship only to Jehovah God, the Almighty.” 31
THE MASTER, Jesus, will be happy about his turn of events and REWARD the Governing Body?