Another Post On Homosexuality

by Defender 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Defender

    Englishman, in an earlier post, had asked a very pertinent question concerning Gay Christian Paradox and Maximus, in his reply post, gave a very comprehensive overview on the subject. I felt that certain aspects were distorted and yet other aspects needed further clarifications. At least, this is my take on it, knowing that a number of posters here are gay, though I am sure that most of them are caring human beings.

    Of concern, is the idea that we today assume to know more about what causes humans to have different sexual orientation and that there are certain genetic factors that drive certain individuals toward same-sex partners. Somehow, we have the impression that knowing how certain behavior is generated, makes it morally palatable, or at least makes us justify these traits. Thus begin to question the Bible’s correctness or its dated morals.

    We have to be clear that the Bible, as a book, does NOT condemn homosexuality nor does it condemn anything else for that matter, because the Bible is a book of records and not a living, thinking and speaking entity to condemn or condone. The Bible contains several books, some of which contain the records of God’s instructions to Moses and other prophets. Other books have Christ’s instructions to his followers, and Apostles’ letters to fellow Christians.

    Since we are living in post Christ and apostolic times, and since we are no longer under the Mosaic law, then we must judge our actions by what Christ and later his apostles had said on the matter. Though it helps to reflect on God’s own point of view when reading the various requirements of the Mosaic law. Of interest to us right now is God’s commandment against the acts of homosexuality. It is very clear and unambiguous that it is God himself and not the Bible, Moses or other human that have condemned homosexuality. If we are to have faith that God created man, and that God is aware of all our genes, then we must at least grant him the notion that He knows more than we do, and that when He condemned homosexuality, He left no room for maneuvering. When the apostle Paul condemned homosexuality, he was speaking under inspiration of the Holy Spirit. We have to remember that Paul was exposed to the Gentiles more than any other NT writer. He was more exposed to them than Christ. Since, homosexuality was mainly a Gentile practice, then it is understandable that only Paul would be more liable to talk about it.

    I think that many fail to realize that the attitudes, behavior of people of the time and place in which Christ and the apostles lived is not much different than what it is today. In fact, those that were living back then were much more liberal than today. I am not speaking about the Jews who were living in Palestine, but rather their neighbors. Homosexuality was not only rampant but widely accepted. Many prominent men living during the early Roman empire period had live-in male companions. No one thought twice about it. Gay and Lesbian couples could be seen walking down any thoroughfare the same as could be seen today in any major city. The same genes that makes an individual today favor a same sex partner, also made some men back then to lie with men and some became male temple prostitutes. Religious intonations were merely a cover, and so nothing much has changed.

    Paul was living during the height of the Hellenic ideals of free will, democracy, and moral liberalism. Still, he did condemn homosexuality as an “unnatural” act, though many of his contemporaries clearly had divergent sexual orientations which they “naturally” practiced. In the book of Revelations which was written in that time period, we read about Christ clearly condemning fornication. It is hard to imagine that Christ, who encouraged his followers not get married if they could for the sake of the kingdom, would turn around and condone homosexuality.

    What did change however, was the conversion of the Roman Empire to “Christianity” and the imposition of church edicts on state and civic affairs, thereby forcing condemned homosexual activities under ground. The tug of war between Church and State continued throughout the ages until the independence and prominence of the United States. American values and culture have permeated most of the western modern world. Today, we are living in an increasingly secular Church-free states where the old Hellenistic free moral liberalism that Paul had lived through is clearly being manifested. Thus, today we see more homosexuality coming out of the closet, so to speak and slowly being accepted as just another accepted lifestyle.

    Knowing that God, Christ and the apostles clearly condemned homosexuality, many questions come up as we as individuals would want to know how to deal with homosexuals especially that God’s followers always congregate and associate with each other? It is relatively easy if an individual was a practicing homosexual but later stopped when becoming a Christian. What about those that express deep faith in God and Christ yet find it difficult to abstain because of strongly ingrained homosexual tendencies?

    Since homosexuality is not more grievous a sin than say lying or stealing, then how do we react to someone who is a constant liar or cheat? How do we tolerate their behavior? What is the proper Christian response?

    Christ’s life example and recorded message is a good start to gauge and guide our behavior.

    Those who try to obfuscate the issue of divine condemnation of homosexuality with elaborate words, genetic research, cultural factors are really not doing the homosexuals or anyone else any real Christian favor. Being politically correct with someone who is a constant cheat and a liar certainly does not help. As Christians, then it is our duties to point to those that are living outside accepted Christian morals and encourage them to change. What we should not do is widen our moral spectrum so as to tolerate their deviation.

    If someone believes in Christ and God, is loving, generous, caring and helpful but his only weakness is that he is a constant adulterer. For argument's sake, let's say that he is married heterosexual. How do we as Christians deal with such a person? Do we devise twisted words to accommodate him? Do we attribute his behavior to personal life style, changing cultural factors or newly discovered genetic tendencies?

    It is true, our fallen imperfect bodies can become addicted to all sort of practices, some of which infringe on divinely accepted morals. It is a hard fight as the apostle Paul clearly remarked. However, it is the duty of a faithful Christian who entertains the reward of eternal life to put up a fight against those tendencies and try his best to overcome them. Prayers also play very important role.

    Does God care about homosexuals? As human beings, most definitely! He cares enough to warn them that their practice is not HOLY and therefore not accepted if they wish to one day to come into HIS presence. I remember Jesus words in asking Mary not to touch him after his resurrection for he has not ascended yet to the Father. Jesus concern was God’s stringent demands for Holiness. Homosexual practice, along wih other denounced behavior does not beget holiness. Will it be difficult to change? Most certainly. Will some fail to change? Absolutely! Will God stop caring for those that failed? As long as they are determined to overcome this grievous sin, and as long as they continue to put up a fight, despite some setbacks, God is surely willing to forgive on the basis of the shed blood of Christ. Final Judgment is His.

  • Kent
    God is surely willing to forgive on the basis of the shed blood of Christ. Final Judgment is His.

    Sure! According to the "good book" he's the most notorious serial-killer in the history of man; and nothing in that history indicates any "willingness" to forgive anything.

    On the contrary, this maniac will slaughter YOUR children of 7 generations because of an error you did 10 years ago!


    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:


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