"Discovery" landed successfully!!!!!

by JH 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I just watched it on TV.

    It's still so fresh in my mind what happened last time a space shuttle tried to land... I'm so happy all finished well this time.

    With so many possibilities of "something" going wrong, it's like a technological miracle each time a space shuttle completes a mission successfully.

    I wonder how many more flights the space shuttle will do before it's replaced?

  • zagor

    Great job,well done, I'm just watching it on CNN

  • DannyBloem

    Just watched how it landed.
    A relief for the space program....


  • nicolaou

    I watched it too about an hour ago. It was a great feeling to know that several families would not be grieving this time. However, getting the ship and crew down in one piece seemed almost to be the purpose of the mission - makes me wonder what the point of it all is....

  • DannyBloem

    What I feel strange the last time that it did not went so well, is that everybody did not stop talking about those poor people in the shuttle, and their families etc.
    I think this is not the issue here at all. It is the delay of the space program, the money that is costs etc, that are worrying the people of nasa. I think also this is justified.


  • zagor

    I love NASA (always dreamed as a kid to work there, lol) but I think we need more people like Burt Rutan http://www.rutanaircraft.com/htmlpages/rutancompany.html

    Such space exploration monoploy reserved for ones with "right stuff" has probaby contributed a great deal to most people simply not being interested in space at all. Kinda reminds me of WTBS and their monopoly over the truth.

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