No carbs? No fat? No carbs nor fat? Exercise only? Cereal 3X daily? Boullion only? How about that guy---3 subway sandwiches a day!
DIETS: What works for you?
by anewme 9 Replies latest jw friends
I try and cut refined foods only. White flour, sugar etc. Nice healthy nutrious foods as close to the natural state as possible.
I eat seven small meals a day and always get at least 45 mins of some exercise in.
If it tastes good, spit it out.
That's it, that's the list.
And I eat extra protein so I don't feel hungry.
Dams ~ who doesn't exercise at all.
If it tastes good, spit it out.
Confusedjw,,,,,,,,,,ROTFL,,,,,,,,,That's about it,,,,,,,,I must remember that Gawd , Confused , you have me laughing with tears,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,LOL
Well I'm looking for Harry Potter's wand!
No refined food at all. No coffee, alcohol, or other stimuants as they put stress on the liver.
No sugar free drinks because aspartame taxes your liver and makes it harder for it to work effectively.
Lots of veg, salad, and grains. Ideally you need a mix of grains in the week - brown rice, oats, barley, maybe a mix of some others if you can get them. Oily fish (omega 3 oil in Mackerel, Sardines, Salmon).
And exercise.
Have tried Atkins and it works, but has limited use - makes you smelly and constipated, and is pretty unbalanced.
Regular exercise (running) and a balanced diet.
I also avoid drinks with a lot of sugar such as soft drinks.
What katiekitten said,
I'll add,, eat legumes,, beans, lentils for protein. And check out non-animal protein. Tofu is great, and good for ya.
No packaged food, never, never, never (well, rarely). "PRESERVATIVES" hello!