new light and old testament/new testament differences

by rebel8 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rebel8

    The WTS claims that JWs have been around since Abel, right? So this means, throughout history, JWs have JWs I mean "god's true people". Therefore, JWs were first just regular JWs. Then JWs became Jews. Later, JWs all converted to Christianity.

    This, I believe, is the main reason why it's hard to convince people the "new light" doctrine is bogus. In their history, JWs have belonged to at least 2 totally different religions, so why is it hard to understand there would be doctrinal changes today?

    This is what it seems I'm up against. I feel the entire "new light" doctrine, accompanied by the WTS' claim it's being led by god himself, is necessary to get JWs to understand before they are willing to accept that the WTS is not god's organization. Once you get them to realize it is not god that's leading the WTS, then everything else can fall into place after that.

    Any thoughts?

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee
    Once you get them to realize it is not god that's leading the WTS, then everything else can fall into place after that.

    Once I realized that 'new light' was just a bunch of bullsh*t nobody had to tell me to leave. The GB are such incredible liars - Abel was the first JW, puhleeezzzzzzzzzze

  • funkyderek

    The record of what JWs consider their history is full of individuals rebelling against God's earthly organisation. The kings of Israel were put in place by YHWH. Prophets repeatedly spoke out against them. Saul, appointed by YHWH, became an apostate as did Solomon despite his Gof-imbued wisdom. Jesus spoke out against the religious leaders of his day, even though they were appointed to their positions by God. Charles Taze Russell apostasized against the religions he was once part of, at least one of which must have contained the Fatithful and Discreet Slave class, in order for them to pass the torch to Russell. Essentially, their entire history can be viewed as follows: God appoints an individual; the individual forms an organisation; over time this organisation becomes corrupt; God appoints another individual to speak out against this organisation, and so on.

  • Terry

    If I tell you to go into a room with a table filled with tiny objects and bring me back a can you be certain what I'm requesting? Or, that I'm even serious?

    The Watchtower Society does that to words and concepts; especially important ones.

    By not clearly defining the word and asking for instances and reasons to accept the word the poor brothers and sisters at the Kingdom Hall fall victim to a parasite concept. (They are under a delusion that all this has been explained. It is a false sense of education they learn in the Ministry School.)


    I've invented this term. It means taking an ordinary meaningful generality and attaching a piggy-back inference to it that cannot be removed.

    Brothers and Sisters say they are "in the Truth". That is a Parasite Concept. Truth is that which embraces reality. But the JW TRUTH is whatever current doctrine the Governing Body happens to be peddling which is always subject to revision, revocation or distortion.

    Jehovah has "always had witnesses in all lands in all time periods"??

    Bullshit. The word "witness" in greek is MARTYR.

    History has been filled with Jews who martyred themselves; but, the Watchtower Society is a far cry from their mindset or rationale.

    1.Jehovah is a made up name which first appeared in Germany. It is now known to be an inaccurate rendering of the Hebrew letters which represented God to ancient Jews.

    2.Ancient Jews had much too much respect for their God to risk even accidentally bringing reproach on his name. They avoided directly pronouncing it.

    3.Jews would rather die than see anything connected with their pure worship intervene. Many died martyrs deaths.

    4.The self-styled "Apostle" Paul hijacked the Jew's history and religion and grafted his own neo-Platonic version of Jesus onto it.

    5.The power and authority of the Roman Empire (under Constantine and his successors) helped erase what was left of isolated Judaism unconnected to Jesus and sought harmony with the christianized hybrids who sought shelter from persecution.

    6.The power and authority of the Catholic Church erased all traces (as best they could) of any worship other than the APPROVED version. This included documents, scripture, doctrine and official ritual.

    From that point forward until the Protestant Reformation it doesn't matter who did what. The Catholics and the Protestants claim to be "spiritual" Jews. They have taken the birthright and the promise and covenants of Judaism for themselves the way settlers stole land from the American Indians.

    Modern Day Jehovah's Witnessess are really nothing but imposters.

    There is no agreement between what they consider PURE WORSHIP and what any of their previous so-called witness incarnations believed. None. A JW of today would get into a heated argument with one of Russell's Bible Students or even Rutherford' devout JW's and they'd call each other the fops of Satan.

    Unless all these historical witnesses agree in substance--it makes no difference what you call them because they produced NO FRUITS to identify them as true christians.

    It is a Parasitic Concept.


  • rebel8

    very, very helpful comments


    bookmarking this thread for reference

  • M.J.

    Couple of points. OT scriptures are not considered "in error" now that NT stuff has replaced it. It's still all valid, except the law doesn't apply. JWs do not consider any of it as being false. Not so with "old light" from the WTS.

    The WTS can perpetually can only be in error in the context of its past. In the present, the WTS is always infallibly right.

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