We have an intern working in our office with us for the summer. He is only seventeen-years-old, but is such a fountain of knowledge on many topics that he cannot help but offer his opinion on.
For example, although he doesn't play very much at home because of always losing to his father, he is still very generous with advice to two of us playing an ongoing chess game. It has actually been ongoing for two or three months now, because we players are rather busy with work and don't always have much time out of our work day to focus on the game. The pace is leisurely, but enjoyable to us.
Well this apparently is not the way you should play chess, according to this young teen, who believes we should be able to make our moves within a minute or two. Also, did you know that the knight (also known as the horse) is a less desirable piece because it is hard to maneuver. You should sacrifice it as soon as you can for a bishop. So this is some of the sage advice he has imparted to us.
So we listen politely, but usually don't say much, until today. We found out our young intern doesn't believe that men really landed on the moon. That's right. Neil and Buzz were filmed in a Hollywood-like sound stage. It was part of a vast conspiracy by our government, who can't even get a room full of people to agree on anything, but somehow got the entire space administration and all of their contractors to fake the moon landings.
Nor did he seem to believe us when we told him about what the world was like back then and how we, who lived through it, were pretty convinced it was real. He didn't say much about Apollo 13 when we brought that subject up. I mean, if you are going to fake a moon landings, why not fake successful ones?
I tried not to say too much. I mean, when I was his age it was 1975 and I believed God was going to destroy the world any day during that year. But my coworkers really tore into him. I had heard that there were some people who believed this, but I never thought I would actually meet one.
I Googled this site for a past thread on this subject, but apparently it has never been covered. You would think that there should be telescopes that can spot the space junk at the landing sites? Plus, there are moon rocks that were brought back that are physical evidence. So why doesn't this convince these people?
I guess we exJWs aren't the only ones who were taught goofy things.