Whether in the congregation or at Bethel?
DID anyone have any `visions' that you knew of?
by badboy 9 Replies latest jw friends
Well, not unless you count my ex-wife, who always "knew" when the witches were following her or watching the house...but that wasn't really visions, more like ESP.
Actually, it was more like paranoid delusion, but that's a long story...
Not exactly but like Mariah
"I had a vision of love
And it was all {the Dubs} gave to me
Prayed through the nights
Felt so alone
Suffered from alienation
Carried the weight on my own
Had to be strong
So I believed
And now I know I've succeeded
In finding the place I conceived" -
Visions are...not good.
Visions? ?
I dont think I ever heard of that within the org...
I must say I have dreamt of a certain situation and had it happen exactly as I dreamt it... creepy. But that isn't really a vision...
Why do you ask? Have you heard of ppl having visions? I always thought the official stand was that visions didn't happen anymore...
no. they're a corporation. they don't go in for that sort of stuff. anyone who did was considered mentally ill. where i came from anyways.
I had visions when I was in my late teens. But they were personal in nature rather than global.
Funny how they can claim revelation of clear "Absolute truth" without any clear supernatural revelation. But that's only because they'd be viewed as even bigger kooks if they did. Well at least not since da Judge talked about angels talking inside his head.
I had visions shortly after I ate a toasted bagel with green butterMariah Carey sucks!!!!