if no new light published?

by carla 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • carla

    What is the official stance on if there has not been 'new light' published? I thought if no new light published the 'old' still stands. What about the ridiculous? Such as aluminum or many other silly stuff? I know the jw's I have spoken to say, 'yes, that's pretty silly, we don't believe that anymore'. But if nothing new came down from the gb/fds shouldn't it still stand? thanks, carla

  • stillajwexelder

    That is a really good question - part of their doublespeak I fear - but I truly do jot know. If they are questioned about it they will say - oh we do not believe that now - but no loyal dub will ever challenge them on it by asking where is the new information that changes the old

  • misguided

    My parents still believe this !!!

    I think in my parent's case "new light" really isn't "new light" it's just a form of "theocratic warfare" meant to "weed out" the "faithful" from the "unfaithful," but the original belief still stands as "truth" in their mind.

    I believe they still think it's a conspiracy of the greedy aluminum pot makers of the world that has hidden the true facts that aluminum causes physical/mental ailments, because the WTS can NEVER be wrong...

    It's all so freakin' convoluted!

    Not to mention the look of shock I had on my face as my parent's told me I should buy white eggs rather than the brown free-run eggs I had been buying, because brown ones seemed to have more of those blood spots in them! Crazy, crazy, crazy!


  • Justin

    It's really difficult, when something has been dropped from the publications, to determine if it has been dropped for good. For example, when I was "in" over 25 years ago, it seemed they had stopped mentioning the significance of the 1918 date (the 'cleansing of the temple') and were interested in 1919 (release from Babylon the Great) instead. From reading the posts on this forum, it seems they have started mentioning 1918 again. There was another recent discussion as to whether they still believe each of the creative days is exactly 7,000 years, and it was brought out that recent publications don't give this exact figure but merely state the days are thousands of years in length. But you never know if they have abandoned the old idea unless they say so, or else state something which flatly contradicts it.

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