I knew several of the annointed over my life.
Once when working door to door we were rejected and the annointed brother said loudly as we were leaving, "He will make good fertilizer for the ground after Armageddon."
The annointed brother I worked with as a little kid used to take me to Dairy Queen on hot summer days to drink out of the water fountain at the back.
One brother who claimed to be of the annointed worked at the equal opportunity agency.
One guy about my age who I was friends with at Bethel discovered he was of the annointed a few years ago, many years after he was baptized. I think people will continue to make this discovery forever.
One annointed guy used to rub my knuckles together whenever he shook my hand and also used to grip my knee joint very hard, both hurt a lot. Mitch does it to me now and called it "the grip of the annointed."