I constantly get calls from my son's exgirlfriend and it breaks my heart how her parents constantly unload their marital problems on her ,and her mom sits down and tells this girl about her mothers past and the grim life she had as a child . The parents of this girl have fought as long as she can remember and always dragged this girl into their problems and it is affecting her every move in life. I would never reveal to my kids what it was like when i was growing up ,yes they know some ,but only parts i think is not painful for then so i limit what i say. As you who are married to a jw you how life can be and yes my kids do know much because they lived it with me but they don't know all and they don't need to know all.
I just got off the phone with this girl and her mother says ,your dad is threatening her mother again and again the daughter is involved and crying and not knowing what to do . I tell the girl , your mom is a grown up ,let her deal with it by calling the police and not you, but the girl says i can't , i love my parents and are afraid for both of them . My god this girl is 19 years old and trying to get a college degree and she has to keep dealing with the parents and it just pisses me to no end that they cannot leave their child out of it.
She is also haunted now by her mothers past ,and it hurts this girl to know what her mom had done and lived , this mother even told the daughter about her sexual past .
Damn some parents just really don't know or care the hurt they are causing their kids.