Hi folks...just thought I'd breeze by and say hellos. Life got extremely busy of late but is now starting to settle. My biggest news, and what's been all-consuming is that my immigration visa came through and I've moved to the US (southern Washington state)! Not only that, but on July 30th, me and my sweetie got hitched! Yay! We're still settling me in, but life is good and happy. :) I hope everyone here's been keeping as well as possible. I'll try to do some thread catching up, but you all are just too prolific. ;)
Hello, long time not being here
by CeriseRose 8 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome back, you're right, it moves pretty fast here.
Yes, I remember you. Glad to have you back.
Frannie Banannie
(((((((((CeriseRose))))))))) So glad to hear such happy news from you, cher! Life can be wonderful, eh? So glad you popped in to say "hello".
On your "hitchin" and everything else good that's going on in your life! Hope things will calm down during the cold weather months and you'll be able to post more often!
Nice to hear from you. Ah, you have your green card ... I coulda done it when I was younger, but didn't, and now I am kicking my @$$!
Congrats on your nuptials! Whoa, lots of good news. I'm happy for you.
And yes, this board has gotten mui busy since I joined. When I came back in February after an 8-month absence, I was blown away. It's great to see that so many are learning the 'truth about the Truth(TM)' and are joining up!
I am this moment in Calgary and had quite a time getting here. I forgot my green card and was advised by the US customs that I should be able to get back in to the US with a fine and/or get a deferral after I return to the US. I hope they will let me back in so I can go home.
Thanks everyone! It's been insanely busy but it's all positives. I hope as life settles more to be able to pop back in more regularly. Unfortunately, Talesin, it's not a green card yet. :( Right now I'm "out of status" (the grey area that falls on people who come to get married once they have married...) which means I'm basically just here as a wife and nothing else. After going through the next round of paperwork and interviews I'll have a conditional green card. (There's so much to this process, I'm really glad I'm sure about this fella or it just wouldn't be worth all the hassle! LOL) :)
Ah, yes, I understand CR. There is a 'grace period', and lots of hoops to jump through. Good luck to ya! I'm just heading off to the sack, and glad I caught your post.
Hearing (reading) you say this guy is so great, makes my heart feel good. I'm so happy for you!
Take care,