LOL, this church wastes no time in getting into your wallets. Take a peek at the top right hand corner... The "Sharing Way" Pre-Paid Masercard, by The Potter's House, God's One True Church, interestwillbedebitedasatithesemimonthlyifyouareasingleparentyouwillbetitheddoublyasyoudonothaveonelessfamilymembertosupporttermsandconditionsapply, LMAO
Kinda reminds me of the new announcements being made at the District Conventions. "Donations can be made tax free with credit or debit cards" or something like that. Accounts announcements, to me, have always sounded so out of place juxtaposed with talks talking about how the world are lovers of money etc... Surely such an announcement could have been made distreetly on a notice in the corner i used to think. I used to think, "if Jehovah is really guiding this organisatioin, surely he would make sure money was not a problem and would allow them to concentrate on spiritual matters"?
Any more comments on this new cult, The Potter's House, or on Watchtower money collecting methods?