I ran into a sister from my former congregation today, not seen her for a few months, and expected her to shun me like most of them do. However, she made a point of talking to me,( and she knows I da'd recently). After the usual how are you stuff she told me that even though i'm da'd she still considers me a friend and won't ignore me whatever the rest of them do, and whatever the elders say about it. She remembers some of the rough treatment I endured at the hands of the elders before I left, and I commented that she might be putting herself in the firing line by having anything to do with me, but she didn't seem at all concerned, she's always been uncomfortable with the concept of shunning ex jws anyway. We chatted for maybe 15 minutes and ended up exchanging phone numbers (she asked for mine first), and I gave a pretty good unwitness. I got the impression that maybe she isn't as solid in the "troof" as she used to be and is even secretly envious of me now I'm free. I told her about this Forum, and she said she'd take a look, she might even be looking now for all I know. Another one on the way out of the borg maybe?
A sister spoke to me today......
by dedpoet 7 Replies latest jw friends
Good for her and yes who knows ,maybe she is here lurking ,if so i hope she posts and say's hello.
That is so nice to hear. I too was always uncomfortable with the shunning thing, It just isn't right and look where I am now. OUT!! She seems like a nice person and hopefully she will check out the forum and hopefully will learn lots of things here.
Oh thats great. You must be so happy, hopefully you guys catch up soon es
Hey that's excellent!
I bet you were surprised at her reaction towards you too. Keep in touch with her - you might be just what she needs. Doesn't sound too satisfied as a JW by going against their rules.
Great to hear!!!!!!!!
The basic human decency of the remaining membership of Jehovah's Witnesses helps keep its act together.
Sadly, all in spite of direct instructions from god's mouthpiece to the contrary!
Tsk tsk.
she told me that even though i'm da'd she still considers me a friend and won't ignore me whatever the rest of them do, and whatever the elders say about it.
Wow -- how refreshing to have an active witness say that out loud. I am glad this individual approached you and perhaps she isn't as strong as she appears at the meetings.