Logical, yeah that would be a problem, you wouldn't want anyone to be what you expect everyone to be like (Messiah).
That was a joke.
I say that because in my religion we are taught to inspire to be
Moshiachs for our people, to want to reach all we could be and seek liberation for our people therefore for one who claims belief in the bible yet teases or denounces someone for wanting to emulate Moshaich or wanting to be Moshiach would actually be teasing someone for striving to be what you failed to reach for. IN other words anything less is a slacker who failed to become all he's capable of becoming.
Also there can be no Moshiach if everyone is seen as a fruit cake for wanting to be Moshiach, then every candidate would be locked away in white jackets that tie in the back, where would your Moshiach be but persecuted for being merely who he is, what a reward that is eh?
Even Jesus was trying to be liken to son of man but people confused his trying to emulate for actually being who he was teaching about.
Rev 1:13
... one (Jesus) like unto the son of man
Like: a person or thing that closely resembles another
they say about true Christians are those who are in his outlook or activities resembles Jesus
Jesus is not the son of man. Jesus' outlook or activities resemble him by their own standard of the term.
Son of Man will not be in the person of Jesus, but in a different incarnation involving a totally different human being LUKE 6:5, 9:26, 9:55-56, 12:10 , 17:30, 18:8, 22:69, John 3:13, Matthew 25:11-13).
and Mathew20:28 Just as the son of man did not come to be served', but to serve.
To the other post by MDS:
This is why Zola would teach of a second Messiah and so does the bible. In Ezekiel the two sticks are made to come togehter as one.
In Ezekiel the first is the fallen one who falls from grace the Davidic Messiah who removes the image of the false prophet becomes the one who's right it is (SHILOH).
What I don't like about Zola is he seems to have an honesty problem, he seems to skip Daniel 12:1 when discussing Dan 12:2-4, conveniently leaving out the name which disagrees with his Jesus teachings.
He also runs an antisemitic Discussion forum by appointing the wrong kind of forum moderators who don't allow Jewish Expressions on his board and in fact allow anti semitic rants go unscathed on his forum.
When you have a forum with your name on it you better know what's going on there, there would be no excuse.
As far as needing each other, the Jews were wanred about the cult the only thing it has to offer is the way it reaches far and wide, although even that is often corrupted.
You'll be seeing them grabbing hold of a Jews and a Rabbi not the other way around.
Even today we see TV evangelists admiting this,
because they are preparing you for the Jerusalem Temple run by the Kohanim .