WTBS Settlements and Agreements

by Utopian Reformist 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    I believe it's important to realize several key factors about all of these witness lawsuits:

    1. If a family has been thru all of the consequences associated with litigation, rest assured they have lost all ties to the JW community and have probably incurred some major financial debt/losses.

    2. Economically speaking, unless a family can AFFORD to snub a "reasonable settlement offer", it is going to be difficult to prevent the WTBS from buying their way out of these cases, like the Catholic Church has been doing for years.

    This means that it may take even longer to completely expose the WTBS. Conditions and circumstances will dictate the level and amount of sacrifice, poverty, publicity, humiliation, loss, suffering, abandonment, loss of society, loss of consortium, loss of companionship and emotional damages a family can bear.

    Since the majority of JW's are NOT well educated beyond publications, the overall JW demographic is blue collar, high school degree, entry level office position or manual/menial labor and very little in savings and real property. This makes one's case ripe for purchase by the WTBS legal machine.

    Any thought from the "THINK TANK"? Let's go

  • MadApostate

    At the Plaintiff Berrys lawyer's website, it says that they do not settle lawsuits with "confidentially" agreements other than such dealing with the size of the settlement.

    The WTS will not settle this lawsuit under those conditions. The only reason they settled the Texas case (which the WTS would win if tried today) was so the whole mess would disappear. (Also, I would bet that the settlement amount was probably little more than the plaintiff's attorney fees.)

    This will work in the WTS's favor, because now an appellant court will likely be forced to rule on the constitutional issues, which the WTS will win in all likeihood.


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