Song #11
10 min: Local announcements. Use the suggestions on page8 (if appropriate for your territory) to demonstrate how to present the August 15 Watchtower and the August 22 Awake! Show an elder and an infirm publisher doing telephone witnessing.
15 min: Do You Remember? Audience discussion based on the April 15, 2005, Watchtower, page 30. Invite audience to comment on each question. Highlight the practical value of teh material. Encourage all to read carefully each issue of The Watchtower and Awake!
20 min: "Starting Bible Studies at the Doorstep and by Telephone."* Include a brief demonstration showing how a Bible study can be started on the initial call, using just one or two paragraphs in the Require brochure. Relate briefly one or two encouraging experiences about starting studies by telephone.
Song 30 and concluding prayer.
* Limit introductory comments to less than a minute, and follow with a question-and-answer discussion.