It would be nice to correspond with someone from my area.
Anyone from the Washington, DC area
by findingmyway 8 Replies latest jw experiences
Geeze i am trying to think of someone but can't but hopefully someone will be.
I'm originally from Baltimore but now live on the Eastern Shore.
I'm in B-more almost every weekend. Are you still a O's and Ravens fan?
I'm in Baltimore, but that's only - what? - ~ 50 miles from DC?
It would be great if we could get together, apostafest-style. I imagine a dinner cruise on the Lady Baltimore @ the harbor.
Is it really 50 miles? I drive there and back just about every weekend to visit my boyfriend who lives in White Marsh. Where exactly are you in Baltimore?
I'm on the city line, northwest of downtown Baltimore. It wouldn't be too hard for us to put together a 'fest - I know JWs who used to plan formals between here and DC and half the east coast would show up. {LOL}
FindingMyWay - you look to be new here like me. How did you come across this board?
I was raised as a JW...been df'd for the past 4 years and I was just surfing the net for info or JW web sites to find answers to my thousand and 1 questions. Now I have quite a few links saved in my "Searching" favorites folder. Glad I found this site (and the many others)! How about you? How did you stumble across this site?
I started doing research on the JW beliefs I'd been raised with - I hadn't really looked at them closely since my baptism when I was 14. Well, a whole 'nother 14 years has passed and I decided I needed more knowledge and understanding than what sufficed when I was 14. I started with researching the basis for the blood issue and things went downhill from there. I'm not attending meetings and my family took my actions quite personally, so JWD was one of the places I turned to for support and connection with others.
FMW - maybe if you modified the title of the thread to include the DelMarVa area, more people would post.