One newly appointed elder said: "I never realised how much work and pressure I would be under."
Elders are pressured from the Society who use the medium of the CO visit as well as letters from the Branch office. This pressure may even be termed pressurising. Note this part of a letter addressed "A PERSONAL LETTER TO EACH CONGREGATION ELDER" dated January 24, 1997.
"If you have genuine Scriptural responsibilities that prevent you from auxiliary pioneering, you can still be a source of encouragement to others if you have the pioneer or evangelizing spirit. Even though you may be unable to reach 60 hours as an auxiliary pioneer, could you schedule more time for the ministry? Could you encourage a member of your family to auxiliary pioneer in March or April?"
Note the coercing expressions used "if you have genuine Scriptural responsiblities that prevent you", "even though you may be unable to reach 60 hours", "encourage a member of your family to auxiliary pioneer". One can only surmise what would happen to the elder who doesn't have genuine responsibilities?
The pressure that these brothers are under is constant. It's typical of a works based theological structure that an organisation like the Watchtower has.
They, too, are victims.
Sadly many of them believe they are doing a good work by being elders. And so the pressure (abuse) continues.
"You can know the law by heart, without knowing the heart of it"
Philip Yancey, What's So Amazing About Grace?