There is a "brother" in our hall, or rather ..there WAS a "brother", or more exactly, there was a guy who was studying hard and was already being called "brother" but who was not yet baptised, our hall, who is MR. Internet Guru. This guy lives and breathes internet... it's his job.
Anyway, every meeting I went to, and saw this guy still warming his chair, was a surprise to me. I would go to the hall and on the way in I would ask myself "is he still going?" It was like waiting for the other shoe to drop. Like watching a twenty dollar bill on a busy sidewalk and being continually surprised that it was still there, day after day, meeting after meeting.
I would ask myself "when is this guy gonna click his mouse onto a forbidden site?" I couldn't understand how he could have gone on that long. On the one hand, he spends all his time on the internet. On the other, he's "luvin the bro's and the meets".
Anyway, he quit! FINALLY...
But... the "bro's" are visiting him, gonna try to make him forget.... "look into my eyes Mr. X... watch the nice swinging watch"
Question. Do you think the elders can effectively "rework" him?
Will he be just dumb enough to come back and get baptised?