Can you get DF'd for it?
Can you just attend meetings with long hair?
Thanks again,
by crankytoe 8 Replies latest jw experiences
Can you get DF'd for it?
Can you just attend meetings with long hair?
Thanks again,
You can get away with it but do not exspect to be used. The brothers in charge will try everything they can short of tieing you down and cutting it themselves if you continue to go to meetings but if you continue for awhile they will mold you into someone you are not. Please continue to read here and ask yourself serious questions like why did we join the UN as NGO's is blood really scriptually wrong look at this thread of mine about blood is it really correct according to the bible you will be very suprised to find out the truth from the bible.
I'll tell you the honest truth, I had my hair half way down my back and earrings and Im a male. Even the CO saw this but I was never really counselled about it or DF'd. They just chose to say nothing, but then i was also inactive for a number of years and I didn't have any regular association with any witnesses nor did I seek any of their association. Im not sure if you were active what they would do, but they would probably find something to judge you about it, pherhaps the scripture which says "long hair on men is a disgrace to god." I never believed this myself as I guess im too independant spirited, and for all I know that could have been the apostles personal opinion. If God hated long hair on men why did he permit it in Israelite times? I still have longer hair not as long as I did since I recently cut it but still way longer then the Jw off the collar style, and they don't say a damn thing. If they did I would give them a piece of my mind.
If your someone interested in the Witnesses I suggest you do your research on them here first before you take any plunges into their religion. And yes as Skyman stated if you currently have long hair and want to become an active witness, don't expect to keep that long hair for very long. They will tolerate it for awhile but pretty soon they will start to make subtle hints about it and how you should cut it. They will say how it is a bad example and could stumble others. Basically they will squeeze you into a typical JW mold and you will be fashioned after them, another drone. Independance and personal choice are not tolerated within the JW community. Please do your homework on them before getting to heavily involved, dont make the same mistake many of us did.
I'm growing long hair. But then I am not a dub anymore. ;-)
Knowing how discrete these moron elders are, they will use the "Special Talk" to target you, and then do the next one on the division of sheep and goats. Only to make you feel loved. Once again, don't feel singled out. Why waste your time sitting there, watch the grass grow, paint by numbers, make Syd Barrett sounds, play cricket - anything!
When I was a JW I knew several guys with long hair down to the tops of their shoulders. They got away with it by keeping it slicked back at the meetings,so it wasn't as noticeable. They (elders) tended to freak out about the sideburns thou. As far as the earrings go, just take them out for the meetings and put them back in at home.
You would probably be "marked". See below for offical procedure:
Wow, thanks for the replies
Very interesting,