Folks, I seldom use my alloted topic starters, but I chose to start one with a specific member in-mind.
OUTNFREE: Outnfree (she has an interesting way of utilizing capital letters/none at all).
OK...I am having a hard time not giving this woman, some big time credit.
She's a lovely woman.
I've met her; I've hung out with her more than a few times on both sides of the Canada/USA border.
She's extremely kind; thoughtful, balanced and very wise. I will capitalize: W I S E
I sometimes wish I could be there in suburban Detroit to show her how much I appreciate the good she inspires.
Allow me to be a bit of an emotional softie, but (Brenda) is an incredible woman.
If you have NOT met her in-person; perhaps you've met her in-spirit.
As some of you are well aware of, she's undergoing intense chemotherapy. It's not a pretty picture.
She's a lovely person. I think the world of her, and I know I have hardly scratched the surface of this gem.
If you can, or feel obliged, post some 'big-ups' for Outnfree.
She's worth it!!!!
Love you Brenda!