"Out There" - For Everyone Still Healing...

by Ingenuous 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ingenuous

    I love the promise of this poem - and it means even more since I left the Org.

    Out There

    you'll see it all.

    The floating ends will meet and mend and you will be yourself;
    your fully-formed self of selves.

    Every clumsy backward look will pay for itself.
    Every tear you've cried, or wanted to cry, will set your broken bones.

    The rips in your heart will no longer need to be guarded
    by steel girders, banyan trees, or even rice paper.

    Not so much as a dragonfly's wing will you need
    to cover the bludgeoned place, to protect the private you
    you love so much and hope to save intact
    from what has seemed years of relentless pummeling

    Go live and love in peace my friend, for surely there is love to enfold you,
    and life to be feasted upon: your portion is boundless.

    Love will be the more you've wanted. You will know it when you see it.

    You will love yourself as no lover has ever had the courage to love;
    and the warmth you've wanted will line your pillowcases,
    dance upon your windowsill, and hide at the ends of your socks
    awaiting your toes.

    Deborah Mears

  • nilfun

    Enjoyed reading that...thanks for sharing it with us.

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