Did you know that 99% of the egg farms throughout the world apply the same barbaric methods to produce the eggs we consume? These methods were printed in detail in our local newspaper this Sunday and they are shocking!!!
First off: All the baby chicks are separated by sex. The male chicks are then either stuffed in plastic trash bags and left to suffocate or are masticated while alive in a giant masher!!!
The females are shoved 11 to a cage into little 2 X 2 cages and stacked 3- 4 high and left to live out the rest of their lives in filth and misery. The hens at the bottom cages are often sharing inches of space with dead or dying other hens and all are covered in feces from the cages above.
Their little beaks are melted off with a hot blade without any anasthesia so they wont be apt to peck one another in their inhumanely tight quarters.
After they have spent several years and their egg laying days are over they are let out.
But most cannot walk and are emaciated and sick and so are not fit for food.
They are then killed and thrown away!
Ive raised chickens. They are very fun little animals and have a love for life like anyone else.
Not only do they give us feathers, but eggs to eat for many years. They eat the bugs in the yard and eat the left overs from your kitchen. Rooster are great alarm clocks!
Anyway the article said to buy only CAGE FREE OR FREE ROAMING HENS to ensure you are buying your eggs from humane ranchers. The cost is from .20 - 1.00 difference. So for .20 you are saving a little chicken from a horrible existence and barbaric death!
I just had to vent! The article sickened me. And we are talking about chickens here. How much more worse it is when humans treat other humans so wickedly.
You can make a difference in a little chicken's life!
by anewme 8 Replies latest social current
ACK! save the chickens!!
(on a related note.. a relative raises chickens, she got some chickens from purdue chicken factory nearby, (throw away chickens) at 6 months old these chickens developed huge tumors all over their body, usually these chickens are slaughtered for human consumption at 4 months old.. think about that when your eating chicken from mass market chicken farms. if the chickens develop these horrible , disfiguring tumors, your eating whatever it is that they put in those chickens to stimulate that growth. )
Oh I forgot to add the happy part!!!!!
Silly me!
A Northern California Humane Society rescued 700 of the chickens marked for destruction and brought them up to N. Calif. to be adopted!!
I think that is so great!
You see I used to have chickens and I definitely want chickens again in the future. Right now is not a good time for us. Right next door though the neighbor has quite a few and a few roosters too. I would feel sad without the crow of a rooster or two in the morning. Every now and then they escape the hen house and I get to see them scratching about. They look happy. Chickens dont need much. My husband tells me of so many funny stories of the chickens he has raised. People all over the world love their chickens.
One thing I must say in behalf of the rancher, he allowed the chickens to be adopted out. I guess he just didnt know what to do with them. But there is only one big egg farm around here so the Sunday paper pointed the finger at him. The editor wrote a second scathing article shaking his finger at all who dont buy free range after this!
Hope you enjoyed the story! -
And don't forget that fish have feelings, too! Before you support the barbarians who promote the immoral slaughter of yellowfin tuna and those cute little squids & clams, take a gander at http://fishinghurts.com/.
You'll soon turn to preparing tufu chowder and vegetable sushi in your kitchens, which will leave more dolphin, sea bass, and swordfish for me to eat ... or maybe just a tasty catfish dipped in some sort of egg batter. :-P
Seriously? The ultimate goal of most groups like these is very evident on their websites, where they tell us "Please choose an egg-free, animal-free diet. There is no such thing as a "humane" commercial egg or any other animal product – no matter what the label says." In other words, give up eating eggs. Give up eating chicken, beef, pork, venison, fish, shrimp, rattlesnakes, alligators, or snails. Kiss your fur & leather coats & shoes & baseballs & gloves goodbye. Forget about milk, cheese & butter, too.
And yes, debeaking is pretty common in larger poultry farms. The alternative is seeing birds with a lot of missing feathers & flesh & maybe even missing eyes because the other birds have pecked at them until they're raw & bleeding ... which ultimately results in another dead/dying/diseased bird.
I don't doubt that there are some farmers who treat their animals inhumanely. But I think that saying 99% of all eggs come from such conditions is a stretch. -
Rooster are great alarm clocks!
Well said Dan-O, and Valis, I tend to agree with you on the gun and spicy wings comment....LOL. My aunt raised all kinds of critters, chickens and roosters and turkeys among them. One rooster she had, had something against me, as every time it saw me arrive, it would come full speed ahead and try to attack me. So, one day I grabbed a two-by-four, and let it have it.....that was the end of it. My aunt hollered at me to bring it in and pluck it, we were having it for dinner....of course, not being a country girl, I refused to pluck it, but it never bothered me again....Stupid rooster....it didn't even taste that good....it was tough as nails. hahahaha. The rest of her critters were nice , typical animals, some even cute. But they were all raised for a purpose, and it wasn't for pets.
Has anyone been watching the show "Dirty Jobs" on TLC? Last week they showed how they sex chicks, meaning how they sort chicks by male or female. The gross part was they had to make the poor chicks poop by squeezing them slightly so they could see their sex organs easier.
I dont find insensitivity to a creature's suffering amusing.
Nor do I find men and women who do, very likeable.
I actually have had a few people tell me they have already purchased cage free eggs since the posting of this info.
This pleases me. -
I thought they had put a stop to those chicken farms ages ago, anyway I've been buying free range eggs for years, I think thats the same thing as the cage free ones that you are talking about.