Did WTS cooperate with US government about China project?

by Ozner 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ozner


    Some years ago at the convention here in Holland, a story was told about the Watchtower Society cooperating with US Government about a project with China. They made a special brochure for the Chinese Government learning how to organise things like the Society, clean and smooth. Some Chinese officials also traveled to Brooklyn for a special tour, included in the project. My quest is, does someone knows more about this interesting cooperation between the Watchtower Society, US Government and China Government?


  • Ozner

    Thanks to Elle, for the fellowing reply on a dutch board about my question:


    USA: Erste Kontaktaufnahme mit dem chinesischen Markt

    Beigesteuert von infolink
    Freitag, 03 September 2004

    Folgender Bericht stammt von einem Mitarbeiter am neuen WTG-Standort in Walkill im Staat New York, USA. Interessant, daß eine Organisation, die nicht müde wird, ihren Mitgliedern zu lehren, sie sollen kein Teil dieser Welt sein, jede sich bietende Gelegenheit wahrnimmt, um sich den Großen dieser Welt anzubiedern. Bemerkenswert auch, daß die amerikanische Regierung ausgerechnet an die WTG dachte, als es um Beispiele für umweltbewußte Unternehmen ging.

    Vielleicht ist auch gerade dieser Vorfall einer von vielen kleinen Hinweisen dafür, daß die Amerikaner ganz gezielt ihre Sektenkultur in andere Länder exportieren, um dort direkten Einfluß auf die Menschen ausüben zu können.

    Die chinesische Regierung hat erkannt, daß Umweltverschmutzung ein großes Problem für ihr Land ist. Aus diesem Grund bat sie die amerikanische Regierung, 20 amerikanische Unternehmen zu benennen, die ein gutes Beispiel für Umweltbewußtsein setzen. Diese 20 Unternehmen sollten dann jeweils einen Repräsentanten entsenden, um vor der chinesischen Regierung zu sprechen. Die Wachtturm-Gesellschaft gehörte zu den 20 auserwählten Unternehmen. Sie hatten nur 3 Wochen, um sich auf die Präsentation vorzubereiten.

    Die Gesellschaft sagte sich, "warum nutzen wir nicht diese Gelegenheit. Laßt uns eine Broschüre vorbereiten." Mit der Hilfe von Jehovas Geist machten die Brüder Überstunden und stellten eine wunderschöne 24-seitige Broschüre zusammen. Sie ist sehr technisch und deckt alle Aspekte des Umweltschutzes ab (Boden, Luft, Entsorgung von chemischen Abfällen usw.). Dabei werden Zweigbüros aus allen Teilen der Welt als Beispiele angeführt. Ein Kapitel nimmt Patterson als Beispiel fürdie Entwicklung eines Umweltprogrammes. Die Broschüre enthält wunderschöne Bilder der weltweiten Druckereien, wobei durch die Abbildung unserer farbenfrohen Literatur auch auf geschickte Weise gezeigt wird, wofür diese Zweigbüros dienen.

    Die Präsentation verlief sehr gut und da unser Repräsentant der einzige war, der gedruckte Unterlagen anzubieten hatte, nahm die chinesische Regierung bereitwillig 400 Exemplare an. Die Tatsache, daß die Broschüre von Regierungsbeamten angenommen macht sie legal. Das zeigt eindeutig, daß wir keine "kleine Sekte" sind, sondern ein anerkanntes und von der US-Regierung empfohlenes Unternehmen. Ist das nicht großartig?


  • rebel8


    I tried to translate that on the internet but it didn't work. What does the letter say in English?

  • sf

    [ German to English translation ] The USA: First establishment of contact with the Chinese market Contributed of info. left Friday, 03 September 2004 The following report comes from a coworker at the new WTG location in Walkill in the State of New York, the USA. Interesting that an organization, which not tiredly will to teach their members they should not be a part of this world, each offering opportunity notice, around itself the large ones of this world anzubiedern. Remarkably also that the American government thought just of the WTG, when it concerned examples of environmentally conscious enterprises. Perhaps also straight this incident is one of many small references for the fact that the Americans export aimed their sparkling wine culture completely into other countries, in order to be able to exert there direct influence on humans. The Chinese government recognized that environmental pollution is a large problem for their country. For this reason it asked the American government to designate 20 American enterprises which set a good example of environmental awareness. These 20 enterprises should send then a representative in each case, in order to speak before the Chinese government. The being awake tower company belonged to the 20 chosen enterprises. They had only 3 weeks, in order to prepare for the presentation. The society said itself, "why we did not use this opportunity. Let us a brochure prepare." With the assistance of Jehovas spirit the brothers overtime made and arranged a beautiful 24-seitige brochure. It is very technical and covers all aspects of environmental protection off (soil, air, disposal of chemical wastes etc.). Branch offices from all parts of the world are stated as examples. A chapter takes Patterson as example for those to development of an environmental program. The brochure contains beautiful pictures of world-wide printering, whereby by the illustration of our color-glad literature also to skillful way it is pointed for which these branch offices serve. The presentation ran very well and there our representative the only one was, who had to offer printed documents, accepted the Chinese government of readily 400 copies. The fact that the brochure makes it accepted by government officials legally. That shows clearly that we are not "small sparkling wines", but a recognized and enterprise recommended by the US government. Isn't that great?

  • sf

    [PDF] Chapter 11: Hazardous Materials A. INTRODUCTION B. EXISTING CONDITIONS
    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
    13, 2004, Prepared for the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; ... hazardous waste
    and regulatory database searches indicate many petroleum spills reported ...
    www.brooklynbridgepark.org/files/11_HazMat.pdf - Similar pages

    [DOC] Towards interoperability: ICT in academic curricula for ...
    File Format: Microsoft Word 2000 - View as HTML
    Sustainable product performance and management are key factors affecting ICT ...
    Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society (2002) Globalisation: Curse or Cure? ...
    buildnet.csir.co.za/w107/Authors/ Accepted%20Papers/010p%20-%20final.doc - Similar pages

    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. Watchtower - 117 Adams Street
    Complex Combined Heat and ... Energy Management and Research Associates ...
    www.state.ny.us/governor/press/year04/june24_4_04.htm - 178k - Cached - Similar pages

    Asbestos Contractors and Air Monitoring FIrms
    www.nyc.gov/html/dep/html/airfirms.html - 138k - Cached - Similar pages

    WATCH TOWER SOCIETY - das Firmen-Imperium - [ Translate this page ]
    ... and gas production and distribution, water-wastewater treatment systems ... TRACT SOCIETY
    www.gimpelfang.de/messageboard/data/957.html - 45k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages


    A while back I had come upon an item that stated WTBTS received either money or an award for its excellence in wastewater management at Patterson, if I'm recollecting correctly. I'm searching my bookmarks and all engines. Hopefully I'll find it, then submit it here. It struck my thinking then that is it any wonder why the WTBTS IS A GREAT PILLAR IN THIS SYSTEM OF THINGS...rather than their famed claim that they are NOT (any part of this system of things).


  • rebel8

    Very interesting info!

  • sf

    FYI: There are lots of interesting hits here...you will need to sift:


    Such as:

    Charles Dyke - Resume
    Designed 80000 gpd SBR/Microfiltration wastewater treatment facility to meet ...
    WWTP Upgrade Program at the Watchtower Educational Center in Patterson, NY. ...
    home.att.net/~charles_dyke/resumeinternet.htm - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

    A portion therein:

  • Managed startup of first DualSand filtration system installed for the NYC Watershed WWTP Upgrade Program at the Watchtower Educational Center in Patterson, NY. Developed O&M budgets; responsible for operator training, startup troubleshooting and design modifications.
  • Happy trails!


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