Death watch

by poppers 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • poppers

    It just occurred to me that if a family member were lying in their death bed, or that it was known they were about to die, that the family members would make an effort to spend as much time with them as possible. Afterall, they are going to die aren't they? Isn't it logical that you'd want to spend as much time as you could with them, or at least make the time that you still have together as enjoyable as possible?

    So why is it that in the JWs if a family member or someone else associated with them is believed to be condemned to death at the big A there is this unwillingness to share their remaining time in as pleasant a way as possible? It seems to me that this would be the compassionate thing to do.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Good point poppers. By the same token, I have lately wondered why JWs write Wills in favour of other JWs (especially where families are split and the non-JW, d'fed, are disinherited). As Armaggedon is 'just around the corner', then it would make sense to leave everything to their NON-believing d'fed offspring as they will only have it for a short while, but their JW children will 'inherit the Earth'.

  • FlyingHighNow

    It's a form of superstition, their fear of all of us. We might rub off on them or bring demonic presence or influence into them. They have to keep the evil spirits happy you know?

  • VM44

    It is because the Jehovah's Witnesses really do not care about the individual. They would deny that, but their viewpoint (which comes from and is promoted by The Watchtower) is that the individual is unimportant. --VM44

  • thom

    Or they consider them as already dead, so why waste time with them.
    I've heard it compared that those who leave "the truth" have basically committed suicide, so it's time to move on, get over it, and spend your time with the living.

  • prophecor

    Just as in the death process, some people are squeemish about being among thier family members who are dying, they recognising that death will without question be visited upon them one day, those on the inside may fear themselves falling prey to the possibility of not even an opportunity of a second death. The first we're sure to receive will be our one and only. They're merely protecting thier interest, that's all. It's called CYA. Nobody wants to be reduced to living amongst a bunch of spiritual lepers, guaranteed certain destruction without a shred of hope of a ressurection.

    Dead Man Walking!!!

  • Sassy

    and they think that by this "TOUGH LOVE" and their not associating with them..

    they might get us to return and thus our LIVES BE SPARED

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    I have come to detest the arrogant self-righteous elitist separatisms that are willingly tolerated and practiced by active JW's and the affected victims.

    Imagine publicly claiming to believe in a global cleansing war, and then devoting super-human efforts to hypocritically and secretly acquiring material gain, only to withold any resources from a relative family member if they are not loyal approved active JW's!

    What gaul and audacity does it take to knowingly hold back what is supposedly going to be destroyed anyway? What level of hypocrisy must one sink to in order to issue a legally binding document to ensure such vicious policy is enforced, even after death?

    These are the issues that active JW's avoid dealing with out of pure guilt. If you truly believed in armageddon, and were truly sure, you would be able to let go of it all, as Jesus told the young rich man in the book they claim to follow so adamantly!

    I have found greed to be a common thread in most organized, main branches of religion.

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