Estás bien güey???? Las inundaciónes en jarocholandia???? Hope you are cool and haven´t floated away!!!! Te cuidas. Chao
by G Money 4 Replies latest jw friends
Que tengan no problemo para Katrina (I wish for no problems from Katrina)
Quionda guey!?
el jarocho mayor
Hi Everybody!!
Thanks gmoney and tia brenda. and everyone else that might be inquiring.
All is good in jarocholandia. We did have alotta rain on monday. I mean nonstop 24 hours worth of constant raining. But its all good. There are a couple counties that were declared disaster areas and are still underwater, but as far as veracruz is concerned (the port city) its A OK. and Im ok as well. Thanks for your concern. Its greatly apreciated.