Any thoughts on the finale?
Like many have said, it was a sad ending, the last 5 minutes they showed everybody grow old and die. ruth of course went first and george was a mess. in fact the whole episode was people crying. keith was about 50 when he died, opening the back of a Brink's security truck and taking 4 bullets to the body. brenda's death was sad cause it seemed the most unexpected, she just dropped dead on a couch, her head falling back. david died at some party outside wher kids were throwing a football around and he saw keith catch the ball and turn and smile at him then he fell over backwards in his chair and died. claire died peacefully in her bed at 102, like the old woman in Titanic, which was a let-down, maybe Alan Ball could have done something different than copy that movie. rico and vanessa were so happy about their new business, next thing you see of rico he's an old man in a nursing home and falls on the floor dead. i thought it was unnecessary and the first 60 minutes were ok but i'd have rewritten the last 15 minutes and not shown everybody old and dying.