Who told them it was THE TRUTH???

by LouBelle 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    After reading the article in Sept 1, 2005 Watchtower I was again astounded at the hypocrasy. And the question came to me - Who ever told this religion or the people that started the religion they had they truth - it's a matter of opinion surely????

    How do they KNOW it's the truth - they wouldn't be able to answer. They'd have to list all their differences to convince me, yet it's still a matter of opinion......

  • luna2

    They told themselves. Some folks have such big egos that they know everything revolves around them and their theories...and if they are able to sway others to their point of view, it then "proves" that they must be right.

  • Elsewhere

    What happened was Russell was reading the bible and thinking his thoughts when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his mouth... the first though in his mind was "It must be the tooth." Unfortunately he misunderstood his own inner voice and though it was Jehover talking to him saying "Is must be the truth" and it was all downhill from there...

  • googlemagoogle

    actually "the truth" was invented in rutherford's time. they used to say "we've got the booze". some of the older brothers misunderstood it and it was all downhill from there...

  • buffalosrfree

    The gooberning booty did, that is we say it, you believe it, just because we say it, don't you know that Babbylonish captivity (prison) is captivity??? Whats da matter wid u polks? that is about how much sense it makes. I had asked this recently of 2 elders (not sterling intellectuals) and they replied we have to believe all the trooooth that the goooberning booty says. I asked what evidence is there? They wanted to go to some damn book, and I said you can't use literature from the society to prove the society point what proof is there intellectually or statistically or hard evidence is there? Or is is just because you say so, just like we are supposed to believe that Jesus came here in 1914 tested you for 3 years and picked you out of all other religions as the real truth, when you were doing holidays, birthdays etc. just like everybody else, in fact the witnesses had predicted that in 1914 the end of armageddon would occur, then in 1918 etc etc etc. They of course wanted to change the subject.

    In fact at the Sunday WT study they brought up the faithfulness of the bros in Malawi when they were persecuted for serving Jehoooover. And how thier stand (the Malawians) was a tribute to the faithfulness all of us should show Jehoover. When I asked about the faithfulness of the Bro's in Mexico at about this same time, they of course didn't know what the hell I was talking about, and questioned my source, I told them my source(s) were 2 speical pioneers who had served for over 20 yrs in mexico, that shut them up, they only mentioned that I must have gotten it wrong about what really happened. I asked how woudl you know if you don't know anything about it. (well duuuuhhhh)

  • crazyblondeb

    That's what happens when they don't take their medication.

  • dedpoet

    They have the truth in their hearts, or so they used to tell me. which makes me wonder how so much bs came out of their mouths

  • Es

    My fiance,("worldly") said the fact they even call it the truth just shows how full of themselves they are, and its so true, he said it so much better but i cant think how he put it. es

  • misspeaches

    some jackass was one day sprouting off in Crooklyn HQ. He was relating some highly convaluted story that no one else would believe to some fellow bethelites. "Its the Truth! Its the Truth" he yelled out. Some visitors passing by with the tour guide heard this amazing declaration. They rushed home to their congregations and relayed what they heard. And the message was relayed throughout the ranks of the JWs like wildfire. Eventually this new idea got back to the head honchos at Crooklyn and they began incorporating it into their propoganda.

    And that is how the expression 'The Truth' came about.

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