I always liked Holly Hunter as an actress. I'm old enough to have a 13 year old kid. Are modern-day families/divorced families as messed up as this late-night Showtime film portrays? Or were we as kids that messed up but not so bold about it?
by Cygnus 2 Replies latest jw friends
I actually knew girls that bold when I was thirteen. Not all of them were from broken families though.I wasn't ever that bold but still a bit screwed up at that age....it got worse around 15.
It's scary to think about how true to life that movie can possibly be for some people. I had a friend when I was younger (and a JW- neither of us were baptized)- her parents were divorced, mom remarried, Dad a drug addict who could barely take care of himself let alone her- she got involved with a 22 year old guy, did some drugs, and got pregnant. All at 13 (actually just shy of 13). Sad.