You Know...nice apostate stuff

by ISP 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • ISP

    Yeah...I was looking at your stuff that you posted down the board. Plenty of YK bible 'insights'........of course none of which would be supported with references to WTS publications.The WTS would reject all that stuff and DF you if you tried spreading it in your community.

    After all the WTS said in the 1.8.01 WT page 14...

    He does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding.

    You do plenty of that......! It doesn't bother me particularly but don't think you defending/supporting anything other than your own brand of garbage.


  • Naeblis

    YouNO considers himself above these restrictions. He sees them as for the "average" JW and not for a gifted prophet such as himself. All I have to say about YouNO is what I usually say. *yawn*

  • Francois

    YouNo personifies the hallmark of Jehovah's Witnesses, a sneering, leering hypocrisy...the main reason I left them to ferment in their own shit.

  • You Know
    You Know

    I admit that it is somewhat unfair springing my own insights on hapless apostates, but, didn't Jesus say that his disciples would trample down scorpions and serpents? I don't need a rolled up Watchtower to swat at you when I have got Jehovah's word. The beautiful thing, from my standpoint anyway, is that I can use the Scriptures to defend my faith as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I don't really need the Watchtower to do that, although I appreciate the encouragment from the Watchtower, the real source of our power is God's word. As I pointed out in my post, since apostates fail to see the emminece of Jehovah, you really have no faith at all. Because evidently you were mere followers of the Watchtower to begin with, and not really devoted to Jehovah in true faith, once you began to doubt the Watchtower you were left with nothing but the worthless husk of a religion. Obviously you cannot refute anything I say, you can only flail about and make absurd accusations about my being an apostate. Personally I find your antics most amusing. / You Know

  • Naeblis


  • Undecided

    Hi YK,

    We don't have to refute anything you say, time will do it for us, as it has done for many of your previous predictions.

    Ken P.

  • Winston


    Let me get this right.

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ really have no faith at all. Because evidently you were mere followers of the Watchtower to begin with, and not really devoted to Jehovah in true faith, once you began to doubt the Watchtower you were left with nothing but the worthless husk of a religion.

    You K. are you saying here what I think your saying? That you are NOT a follower the Big WT, but have unshakable faith in YHWH.

    The Never Ending Search For Truth

  • gsark

    <" Personally I find your antics most amusing.">

    Now we're making progress! Do I detect the traces of a smile YOU KNOW?

    You Know, when I look back over many of your recent posts, I am amazed at the changes you have gone through in just my short time here on this board.

    Congratulations, occasionally I see traces of humanity trying to break through. I hope they succeed.

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

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