Looking forward to the resurrection of your 'loved ones'?

by Ring Wielder 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ring Wielder
    Ring Wielder

    The Witnesses cite this as one of the greatest attractions of their faith...Who does not want to see the ressurection of their loved ones? But wait a minute....surely the closest relationship...between 'loved ones' is man and wife? And reading the WT literature, they are pretty careful not to mention that relationship in the resurrection discussion, because of course they cant answer the question as to whether husbands and wives will be reunited in the resurrection...because of that damn scripture which says about resurrected ones not marrying or being given in marriage.

    So, they wrap it up in the broad terminology of bring able to be 'reunited with your loved ones' and hope nobody notices that they never refer to the marital relationship.

    And if the resurrected ones cant marry...then does that mean that there will be two classes in the new system...the elite few 'marrieds' and the great crowd of 'unmarrieds'.....mmm..sounds familiar...

  • AlmostAtheist

    This "no marriage for resurrected ones" used to bug my wife to death. Really, it just ate her alive. I told her -- being the good little robot I was -- that whatever Jehovah has in store for them will make them happy, they won't be allowed to miss their spouses.

    She never bought it. (Smart girl!)


  • delilah

    That always rubbed me the wrong way too. I could not imagine it, and I was told the same thing. "whatever Jehovah has in mind will be wonderful...you won't miss being married, etc. etc." I kept thinking about how it would feel, to see my husband, happily remarried, raising MY children, with someone else.

    WHATEVER!!!!! I didn't like the idea. PERIOD.

  • crazyblondeb

    I can't stand the sight of my exhusband in this life! I DAMN sure wouldn't want to see him after death!

    But, since I don't believe that bullshit- he's safe from me in the after-life, for now!!


  • fairchild

    I always thought about that too. What about people who were married twice because their first spouse passed away? Nobody ever gave me a clear answer other than that "we would all be happy".

  • trevor

    My relatives aren’t dead yet but I am looking forward to when they are.

    The idea that they might return is a truly frightening thought!

    This inane nonsense about no marriage in The New World, was being pedalled by the all wise Watchtower Society when I a Witness. The unmarried brothers and sisters were worried that if they died during persecution and were resurrected they would not be allowed to marry.

    With Armageddon due, ‘Any Day Now,’ There was a mad scramble to marry anyone who would say yes, so they could ‘get their end away’ while their was yet still time.

    ‘Raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up, because your deliverance’s getting near,’ took on a whole new meaning. I wonder how many young people rushed into unsuitable marriages because of this pressure?

  • TheListener

    This bugs my dub wife also. She buys, for the most part, jehovah will make her happy no matter what.

    My question is what kind of a new system is it when your basic family unit is tampered with and God 'has' to make you happy?

    A lot of dubs, from my experience, feel that the scripture in question refers only to the anointed. It's definitely an uncomfortable thing for them to think about because it reminds them that the Greek scriptures were written for the "heavenly class", not the earthly pukes. Of course, they stop short of realizing that perhaps we're all of the heavenly class (if you beleive that sort of thing still).

  • VM44

    According to The Watchtower concept of resurection, the resurection ones will be clones with the memories of the original people artificially superimposed upon their brains.

    Why should that type of ressurection give anyone comfort?

    Now, suppose there is a soul, something unique to each person, then if a new body is created, and the soul transferred to it, then that resurrected one would BE the same as the original! Also, it would answer the question of what would happen if God created several duplicates of the same person, which one would be the original? The answer would be the one the person's soul was transferred to.

    The Watchtower would not like that explaination of the resurrection though


  • Preston

    wouldnt it be funny if the Hatfields got resurrected along with the McCoys....yeah...that would be cool...

    - Preston

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